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[Fwd: [Fwd: Bad Data: Genesis Issues "Limited Recall"]]

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There is always 2 side to every story.
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From: Glen Larson <GLarson@xxxxxxxx>
To: Van <vano@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Bad Data: Genesis Issues "Limited Recall"]
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 17:04:41 -0600
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We at Genesis would like to respond to Mr. Beno's comments about our
data service. 
As always, there are 2 sides to every story.  As the president of
Genesis, I, Glen Larson would like to present "our side" of the story.  

Mr. Beno purchased a data CD from Omega Research 4/1997 and requested
and received a refund 4/1997. Since the sale was made by Omega, the
refund was also issued by Omega.   Genesis did not receive any money
from this sale.

Mr. Beno tried our free updating service for 2 weeks in 4/1997 and
canceled.  The last time he used our service was 18 months ago.

Mr. Beno claims to have lost money $25,000-$100,000 since 1993.  He
contributes his losses impart, to our data, and demanded that we
compensate him for these losses. Mr. Beno requested that we compensate
him financially (ie. give him money) for his losses.  If we did so, he
would discontinue the verbal assault on our company via the internet.
This request was made even though Genesis has never received a single
penny from Mr. Beno.  We declined.  He then requested that we donate
money to a charity. We declined

Mr. Beno claimed to have purchased and used our data since 1993, but he
did not purchase the data from directly Genesis.  When questioned about
the purchase, he stated he purchased our data from another company.
Genesis did not have any authorized resalers of our data in 1993. We
have requested Mr. Beno provide us with proof of purchase before any
resolution can be made.  We are still waiting for this proof of purchase
to be provided.  
According to our records from 1984, no one under the name of Mr. Tom
1) Purchased any data from Genesis between 1993 -1997. 
2) Contacted Genesis for any type of error corrections from 1993-1997.
3) Contact Genesis for any program updates from 1993-1997
4) Never used our updating services from 1993-3/1997.

Mr. Beno maintains that where he purchased the data and how he kept it
current through 1993-1997 even though not from Genesis is immaterial, it
is still our data. We fail to agree. How the data was updated and where
purchased is very important.

Mr. Beno claims we admitted that we had errors in our data.  We still do
say we are not perfect, nor is our data.  That is why we always post
error corrections to our current customers.  If you are not currently
updating with Genesis, you probably won't receive the error corrections.

We offered to have Welles Wilder be a mediator to resolve the issue in a
formal setting where each side presented data and arguments and then
have both sides accept Mr. Wilder's decision as binding.  Mr. Beno
declined.  We suggested Mr. Beno pick a mediator we both could trust.
Mr Beno again declined.

As can be seen, this can go on forever.  The problem with trying to
resolve issues over the internet and trading forums, is that it's like
trying to argue opinions, no one wins.

Proof is in the pudding as the saying goes.  Rather than listen to Mr.
Beno and myself trade barbs back and forth, I invite anyone to contact
me and I will email you our software, some sample data and give you a
free 30 day  trial to our service.  This way, you (or whomever) can
determine for your selves whether or not Genesis is to be considered the
devil incarnate, or not.  You can see our data, our software, our
service and our support through your own eyes. We encourage you to make
your own decision.

Genesis had been sending corrections, data updates and software updates
to Omega to be implemented in releases to the purchasers of the
Continuous Contract CD.  Since these updates were not implemented on any
of the CD shipped by Omega, Genesis would like to replace the
Omega/Genesis Continuous Contract CD at no charge.

Purchasers of the Omega Continuous Contract CD need to contact Genesis
to obtain an RMA to return the original CD for the refresh.  Users can
reach us at 800-808-3282.    When the user sends back the old CD, a
refreshed CD will be sent out at no charge.  The refreshed CD will be
current when shipped.  Returns must have a valid RMA or they will not be

Since we did not receive the names of the purchasers of the Omega
Continuous Contract CD, we would like to have this message passed around
to any person who might have purchased the Omega Continuous Contract CD.

If anyone has questions about our service, comments or complaints, I
welcome the input.  I can be reached at Glarson@xxxxxxxxx   I will also
be taking our current customer calls and complaints, suggestions on the
last Thursday of every month, 12:00-4:00pm.  I urge you to call
719-260-6119 if you would like to contact me directly.  I am taking
calls at least once a month from our customers to hear what we need to
do or what we've done wrong as a company.

Rather than respond to every email-comment from Mr. Beno, I will begin
to respond with this generic form letter describing our position.  

Thank you for your time.

Glen Larson