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Re: GEN: Enter on Stops ?

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Hi Norman,

Philosophically, I agree with your model of the universe and interesting it
is too.

Personally I added a great deal of value to the markets during my
"apprenticeship".  Since graduating I have been somewhat less charitable and
prefer to enjoy the receiving end of the equation!

As far as providing the service of liquidity is concerned, I am afraid I am
not clever enough to forecast market turns so I have to leave it up to those
clever chaps and chapesses who can, to perform that function.  I have to
rely on the market to pick me up when it is ready to go!



>       I believe that you only receive value for value given. The
>universal laws of the market will only allow yone to briefly to profit
>from the market if nothing of value is contributed. The market will then
>even the scales by reclaiming said unearned gains. Those whose purpsoe
>is mainly to jump on a trend, i.e. enter via stops,  only serve to
>exacerbate illiquidity and volatility. In contrast those who are willing
>to buy on weakness and sell on strength provide a valuable service via
>adding liquidity to the market place. These traders gain the edge which
>when mulitplied many times  over is often the difference between winning
>and losing approaches to the market.
>      Can you imagine a major department store operating on Larry
>Williams principles?  Wholesale prce? No thianks, we want to pay
>retail.  Call us when the price goes up. Maybe we will buy some then.