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RE: Broker recommendations for daytradin

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Gary -

What do you mean "mixed results regarding reliability"? Also, what   
markets do you trade?

I am considering NetFutures and Interactive Trading, but the biggest   
worry I have is that I won't get fill reports back immediately. Direct to   
floor access (at least on the SP500) gets me immediate fill reports. I   
can't afford to wait even one minute. OTH, I like the idea of   
instantaneous order requests, rather than waiting the one minute it takes   
for someone to answer the phone and get my account number.

Larry Lewis

 -----Original Message-----
From: "Gary Kramer" (reply to: gmkramer@xxxxxxxxxxxx)   
[SMTP:gmkramer@xxxxxxxxxxxx (MIME) (actually from:   
Sent: Monday, August 10, 1998 3:43 PM
To: realtraders
Subject: Broker recommendations for daytrading S&Ps??

 << File: UKN00000.TXT >>

I have been daytrading S&Ps using the internet service of Futures Online   
have had mixed results regarding reliability.  Any suggestions on firms   
direct floor access?  I have talked with people at Saul Stone and they   
to have direct floor access and have been around for a while.  Thanks for
your help
