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Re:Splitting a Signal Box Data Stream

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When TradeLab is released I'm going to want to run both Ensign and TradeLab on
one machine until I get switched over so this is of more than passing, though
not immediate, interest. I believe software/DTN uses two way box/computer
communication during setup to set port speed, markets, etc.; however I suspect
that once these parameters are set that the computer simply receives quote data
although news may be pulled in on demand. Therefore you might try a splitter
cable with the return signal pins disabled on one of the two serial connectors -
it's been suggested to me that the return signal pins are 2 and 5. Connect the
2-way to port A and get the software setup and running, then swap the 2-way to
port B and get the software up and running. If necessary, leave the 2-way
connection on whichever port will be used for news. Since this is all theory,
I'd like to hear from anyone who is successful.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sentinel Trading <rjbiii@xxxxxxxxx>
To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, August 06, 1998 6:49 PM
Subject: Re:Splitting a Signal Box Data Stream

>Usually two programs can't share the same comport, I've been trying to do the
>same with DTN. And if you split the signal off the box so it feeds two
>the box will shut down. If anyone has a networking solution please let us know.
>____________________Reply Separator____________________
>Subject: Splitting a Signal Box Data Stream
>Author: owner-realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Date:  8/6/98 12:41 PM
>Hey Realtrading Gents:
>I've been having fun trying to split a DBC Signal Box's output to
>two Workstations.
>I'd like some input from anyone who's tried and succeeded same.
>I want to send one data-stream to TS 4.0, and then to a venerable
>DOS version of Signal that works better than Windows versions of
>3.0 or 4.0.
>Question: can this be done on one work station, can one get the
>two apps to "share" the com port, or do I need to "split" the
>signal and send to two PCs.
>Feedback please!