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Re: DOW Boy Scout

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In a message dated 98-07-26 14:03:15 EDT, arnoldt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> What I am really after are actual, physical, real live action tangibles
>  to be exploited in the event the Future Markets/Shorting become as
>  discredited and possibly unfunctional as a crash could deliver.  

I think you are trying to fight the flow.   In the event of a crash,  even the
real live action tangibles are likely to be pulled down.   Assuming you can
time it the smart move is to go with the flow.   The likely hood that shorting
futures will become as you put it discredited is very very unlikely.  Look at
the CME circuit breakers in place.   Going to take a pretty good crash just to
trip them.  Short stocks could get tough, because of the uptick rule, but
shorting futures and buying puts should be a very viable option.