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Re: FUTR-Ratchford'sFDates/TTC

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Bob Fulks Wrote:

I have been evaluating Rick's FDates service for several months and
all recommendations and messages from his FDates email list with posts
lots of users.

While I have not yet taken the time to evaluate the signals objectively,
am very impressed with how happy his customers seem to be. On a list
any customer can post anything he or she wants, you would expect to find
normal mix of people who are happy and those who cannot make it work for

any of a number of reasons. But, so far, all I hear are very positive
comments by essentially everybody. How many advisory services can say

Jeff Wrote:
I used to be on the TTC list.  To make a long story short, I just have
to say it was one hell of an experience.  In fact, I remember your name
from the TTC list.  Are you trying to tell me that merely base your
observation on the level of happiness of his list 'members' that you are
satisfied with his 'gadget's performance?  Yes, there were lots of good,
happy, and satisfied list 'members' on his list.  But for some strange
reasons, I smell something bad there.  It sounded too good to be true
and they didn't sound real to me and I question the integrity of Rick
Ratchford.  By the way, he used to be a member of the Don Fisher's
list.  More on that later.....

Bill Eykyn Wrote:
You may not know, but there was a time when this list was inundated with
this and F that from Mr Ratchford, and I am sure it was his continual
promotion of himself that drove away an awful lot of the good,
people from  RT.
Time and time again, on this list, really experienced traders tried to
Rick Ratchford to say something that was concrete and tradable about his

F-dates, but we never ever got any answers.  From what he did post, it
seemed to be a hotch-potch of hocus pocus and when it finally dawned on
that most of the list were bored by his efforts to recruit us, he left
high dugeon.

Jeff Wrote:
My personal observation with the TTC list was that most of the list
members were novice traders only but who had a very genuine interest to
learn.  Rick claims that one doesn't need ANY other kind of indicators,
Timing tools, wave counts, etc. to work along with his TTC and Fdates.
To me, that was simply bulls***.  Any studious trader will tell you that
the more confirmation you get from different methods, the more concrete
is the trading setup.  He confused the hell out of his list members with
HIS definition of a trend.  He copied ideas from some members who have
good, solid, knowledge of market price actions.  Oh, talking about copy
cat, weeks ago I had a chat with Don Fisher and he told me that Rick
used to be a member of Don's list.  According to Don, he came and gone
in a rush.  And what do you know, he started his own list with the same
kind of approach of Don's months later.  As advertised, Rick will always
be on your side if you encounter problems.  Yeah right, try to ask him
questions like the ones we asked him on RTs.  He will take the piss on

Rick's Rule:
The basis of the 3-day rule was devised for those who seem dependant on
statistics. Many of the Fdates exceed the 3 day rule, but as cycles go,
will have several markets that at times will swing every 3 days during
certain times of the year (volatility, etc.) and are picked up by the
program. Very difficult to separate a cycle pivot from a cycle
...With the introduction of the weekly dates (Wdates).....

Jeff Wrote:
Previously, he'd introduced his T1 & T2 of Fdates, my God, now he's got
his WDates, 3-day rules.  This guy never quits, I like his attitude :)
I had never thought of subsribing Fdates when I was with the TTC list.
To this day, I still think they are the same dif.  Yes, most of his
pivots are not tradeable as Alan pointed out.  You want timing tools?
Use NPs, Dynamic Traders....No affiliation with Kasanjian

Have a good one
Jeff Harteam
Hong Kong