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Re: MKT TIMING-Subjective Interpretation

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   I guess we have to congratulate Norm on his stellar record <g>!! But,
astrology is in the public domain, and if research has been done it ought
to have been published in journals subject to peer review and independent
testing, not in somebody's newsletter. This is not priveledged information
- at least the outlines of the astrological work.
  But, nevertheless, we are getting somewhere with the assertion about mars
entering taurus. This ought to be verifiable. That is the type of testing I
am looking for. After all, when someone sells a system, if we are smart, we
ask for a detailed track record of that system. Should be the same with
astrology. I am not going to buy a system or take a course with anyone,
after all the scams I have seen and heard about in this field, without
checking it out as thoroughly as I possibly can, based on evidence of its
  I am truly happy for Norm's success. I wish you all success in the future
too. But your personal track record, although important in evaluating you
as a possible teacher or  mentor, is important, it does not give evidence
of the efficacy of financial astrology. As someone pointed out earlier, you
are a very experienced trader with good instincts. This may be the most
valuable tool you have. But we have to leave this aside when evaluating the
system you advocate.
  As a matter of fact, this was never meant to be a discussion about Norm
W. So why bring yourself into it? Let's discuss the merits of astrology
leaving personalities out of it.
  So then, where is the evidence about mars entereing taurus? Not just one
or 2 exaamples but a detailed study. Anyone?? Or, any other pattern such as
this? Anyone??

Best wishes,
David Cicia

At 03:09 AM 4/27/98 -0700, nwinski wrote:
>     I am not sure what you are seeking here. If you want research, i.e. what
>happens under a particular planetary pattern, then you can get a good
sampling of
>this in the 1997-98 Forecast and Trading Manual.  I am not goning to type
a 50
>page manual with charts here. I will direct you to a simple example. If
you check
>long term charts, you will see that Major Lows occurred in Live Cattle in
1986 and
>1996  both times within about two trading days of Mars entering Taurus.
For those
>not Astrologically fluent, Taurus is the Bull and hence rules Cattle. Mars
>about two years to makes its circuit around the Zodiac. If one waits for an
>extreme technical price postion at a time when a planet is entering a markets
>ruling sign, then one has a very high probablility of indetifying a
>change in trend.     Now, as to results, my trading results are a matter
of public
>record as my Astro-Trend Advisory recommendations have been monitored by CTCR
><ctcr.investors.net> for the past four years. For 1997, I was #1 for
percent of
>winning trades.  1996, I was #3 for increase in percent of equity. Jan. 1,
1994 to
>Jan. 1, 1998,  I generated a 230% profit on the beginning equity and that
>steadily withdrawing approximately half of the profits.
>      I hope this gives you enough information as to decide whether you
>request more information from me via private e-mail.  A sampling of my market
>letter is available for as little as $10, which barely covers my postage,
>printing, and handling. .
>      Before anyone gets upset, this was not intended as an advertisement.
I have
>previously requested that folks who wanted a detailed sampling of my work
>contact me by private e-mail. I don't want to ignore any sincere inquires, so
>above, I have offered a small sampling of what is available in detail if
you are
>inclinded to pursue this topic by private means.