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Re: ROC Formula

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Hi,,,Randy and others who are interested in ROCs.

I tried to go around this 'disappearing' apex when you scroll the screen by employing what Paul suggested "ROC%". I tried to code a new ROC with this idea,,but somehow PowerEditor failed to recognize "squareroot" function which surely is in function library. I gave up coding it,,,but I'll try to do once more.
I guess ROC% is one way to go around "disappearing" apex and other scaling problems.

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
.... If you have your scaling set to "screen".  But,
>you will also see that the signals that come at the right hand side of the
>screen are also good signals even though they may disappear as you scroll
>back and forth.  That bothered me at first, but then realized it really did
>not matter.  From what I have seen the signal is good no matter where it
>appears.  Let me know if you see different or have discovered something I
>haven't seen.
>from Petersburg, MI