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ADMIN Realtraders: A Message from Boggio 3/6/98

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  Over the last few days, there have been some concern regarding the
direction of this RealTraders Forum and I would just like to address some
of those issue today.

  1. It has been suggested that the use of Abbreviations in the SUBJECT
title is not necessary.  To the contrary, through feedback over the last 2+
years we have been in existence, this particular policy has assisted
countless  members find/locate messages pertaining to their topic of
interests and has greatly improved the speed through which someone can scan
through 30 emails a day in order to find something they like.  Therefore,
it is in the best interest of our members to continue to use the below
mentioned abbreviations in order to assist all.  However, remember, this
will only work if YOU make it work.  If you are going to send a post to the
address your post.  	I am sure one of the 7 abbreviations below will 'fit'
just about any trading related post that should be sent to the forum. 

  2.  The second concern that has been addressed, is the frequent posting
of messages that are either not trading related or posts that are directed
specifically to ONE individual.  We must stop these type of message which
are sent to the Forum!!!  Please think twice before hitting the 'send' key.

  3.  The third and biggest concern that I would like to address is the
direction in which the topics in this Forum are headed.  Specifically, is
this forum going to be a Realtraders forum where we will talk about
specific markets, indices, and stocks OR is this forum going to be more
concerned with who read what book and who has heard what about 'so and so'
as a promoter/guru ETC.!!!  Personally, I VOTE FOR THE FORMER.
   Believe it or not, I have tried to redirect this forum back to trading,
by starting the 'market of the week' (MOTW) segment in which members would
evaluate a preselected market/index/security so that it can be analyzed as
a group.  Guess what, practically no one responded or seemed to care.  So
what's the deal.  (I know there where a few responses and I know who you
are and I appreciate your efforts...thank you) as for the others, are you
just not interested?  I know I have already heard the excuses, "I don't
follow that market or I am only interested in stocks or bonds etc...".
Well, in my opinion, most of us are some form of technical trader and as
such, all you have to do is analyze the chart and share a little bit of
your wisdom with the others in a clear and thoughtful one paragraph post.
That's it.  That should start the ball rolling and get others interested in
   Remember, if the current forum remains as status quo, where we have the
same contributing members sharing their infinite wisdom, without others
OWN FORUM.  Then what will we have.... a very boring forum?  To date,  we
have already lost some very valuable members over the last few months.  We
need to stop the exodus and have others contribute in an effort to entice
the main contributors in staying.

  Finally, I remember a time, just before we started this "open to the
public" forum in which we had a group of individual and some professional
traders/analysts who, all they wanted to talk about was current market
activity or current expectation of future market actions.  This included
time and/or price projections for a variety of markets as well as other
analyses...it was great and there was some REAL MEAT to the posts.  Those
people were not conceded or egotistical, they were just friendly and WANTED
to share their insightful analysis with the others, knowing that they would
get some form of feedback regarding there work, it was great.  And believe
it or not, that group was tiny compared to this group.  In my opinion,
there is so much potential in this current forum but it is on the verge of
failing if we don't correct our shortcomings and soooon!

  Further, I am enclosing a copy of our Objectives and Policy Directives
Statement for your review, please take a look at it.

Thank you and enjoy,
John Boggio
PS I have attached 2 charts of the 30 year bond yield, 60 minute and daily.
 This will be our MOTW.  Let's begin redirecting the forum right now!!!


Below is our RT's statement...

   In an attempt to maintain a superior forum for the serious
trader/investor, please read the following:

   Realtrader's objective is to provide a channel of communication in which
the serious/professional trader can freely discuss current market
conditions in a timely and informative manner.  The primary topics of
discussion includes market timing, futures, stocks, options and mutual
funds analyses.  As well as discussions regarding trading systems, books,
methodologies and money management.  The forum should be considered as an
educational and learning tool and as such, all posts should be informative
and useful to a majority of its members.   With your help, these objectives
can be met, and the success of this forum will shine on a daily basis.

   In order to achieve our goals, the moderators of this forum have derived
a few policy regulations that we believe will best enhance the quality of
this forum.  PLEASE READ, SAVE AND IMPLEMENT these strongly recommended

   For those looking to UNSUBSCRIBE or be REMOVED from our server, please
see my signature below for details.

1. Each and every post to this forum should have RELEVENT SUBSTANCE,
useful to a majority of its members.  DO NOT send a post to the RT's Forum
just to see your own message 'on-line'.  THIS IS NOT A 'CHAT' FORUM!!!
2.  If you are going to post a message to the forum, be SPECIFIC and
COMPLETE with respect to the content of your message.  This means complete
sentences and complete thoughts, so that everyone understands the purpose
and intent of your post.
3. Always be courteous and respectful to any member, and their comments, in
this forum.  Rude or vulgar language can not be tolerated and can result in
immediate termination of your membership.
4. As a professional courtesy, please sign your messages at the bottom of
your post.
5. Use VERY descriptive "Subject Headings" to introduce your post.  
6 .   In addition, we will also ask that you include one of the 7
abbreviations that best describes the content of your post.

 The 7 abbreviations are:
                 STKS = Stocks
                 FUTR = Futures
                 MKT = Market commentary: US, Foreign, Stock AND Bond
                 OPTN = Options
                 GEN = General TRADING RELATED Q's:Books,Systems,Programs,
                 DAY = DayTraders 
  	     PSYCH = The Mental Process of Trading

     These abbreviations should PRECEDE your title and should be
CAPITALIZED.     As an example:
                             MKT - SymWave Analysis S&P500 15minute 7/15/97
                             FUTR - Bonds are forming an interesting pattern.
     We will do this in an attempt to assist ALL members better find posts
that they feel will be of most interest to them.
7.  When responding (Re:'ing: ) a post, please "cut and paste" ONLY the meat
of the post you are referring too.
8.  Very Important: "THANK YOU'S" and non-relevant "ONE-LINERS" or "JUNK
MESSAGES" are NOT to be posted to the group.  Please send those messages to
that person using their PRIVATE EMAIL ADDRESS.  Constant refusal to comply
can result in termination.  
9. Again, I repeat, each and every post to this forum should have RELEVENT
SUBSTANCE, useful to a majority of its members. Again, avoid posting
"Thanks you's" and "one-liners".  I can not stress this enough!!!

	Finally, we have a strict advertising policy and as such, anyone
interested in selling a product or service, must contact one of its
moderators before posting anything through our system.  This is done to
best serve the interests of its members.  Note: If you have a website in
which you sell some form of product or service, you may post your URL
address below your signature BUT YOU CAN NOT MAKE REFERRENCE TO YOUR SITE.

Thank you for your time and your interest in making RealTraders the  best
online forum on the Internet.

John Boggio
Eddie Kwong
Scot Billington

RealTrader's HomePage
Moderator: John Boggio  boggio@xxxxxxxxx
Director: Eddie Kwong  eddiekwong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Editor, Best of Realtraders: Scot Billington
Best Of...Website: http://www.realtraders.com/bestof_frm.htm
To UNSUBSCRIBE from RealTraders: Send an email to:      
In the SUBJECT box type:   Realtraders
The first line in the body of the message should say:    
"unsubscribe realtraders" (without the quotes). Please do not 
unsubscribe for vacations, recommendation:switch to Digest Format
during those periods.  Thanks (See below)
RealTraders is sponsored by Kasanjian Reasearch
Contact us at  eddiekwong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or 909-337-0816
For DIGEST FORMAT send message To: listproc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In the Subject box type:   Realtraders Digest
'Body' - To turn ON digest, type:   set realtraders mail digest
'Body' - To turn OFF digest type:  set realtraders mail ack

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