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As to why some substantive threads appear to be short, I guess that when
two people find a subject of interest, they deal with it directly rather
than through the list.


>"Roy A. Fellars" <fellars@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>"For example, John Boggio posted a very interesting Symwave opinion on
>Silver a couple of weeks back shortly after the early February high.  I
>posted a contrary opinion, which I felt would also stimulate discussion, a
>couple of days later and the thread died right there.  If there are people
>around with
>interesting market opinions, they seem to be lurking and not posting."
>This is an interesting observation with important implications.
>What do you feel about the following opinions?
>1)  Real traders have several common interests perhaps including:
>    - money management,
>    - psychology of trading,
>    - learning from others mistakes,
>    - real experiences of discipline,
>    - risk diversification or concentration of area of expertise,
>    - maximising risk to reward ratios,
>    - maximising expected profits,
>    - system testing,
>    - software tools and general problem resolutions and circumventions,
>    - sources of quality data,
>    - steadily increasing trading size,
>    - self-development and personal growth,
>    - inspirational material,
>    - coaching resources,
>    - mentoring resources,
>    - trading other peoples money,
>    - tax management,
>    - profit withdrawal strategies,
>    - typical equity curves,
>    - ...
>2)  Real traders "trade what they see not what they think"  (Joe Ross)
>    "This means opionions and views are worthless - this includes your own".
>    Others opinions are just that, until you allow them to influence your
>    behaviour.   So perhaps the "lurkers" are real traders and a forecast of
>    one market in one timeframe is of little interest to a real trader -
>    and dangerous to anyone else who may let it influence their trading -
>and so
>    lose any discipline they may have enjoyed in follwing their own system.
>Perhaps this is why real traders mostly lurk - what do you think?
>Would you like to see more posts along the line of the list of common
>interests above?  If such a list of common intersts was agreed - would it
>be helpful to have the subject headings reflect these common interests.
>Maybe this is the way forward for the forum - what do you think?
>Regards, Ric.

John Sweeney, Tech. Editor  Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
Technical Analysis, Inc.    The Traders' Magazine
4757 California Ave. S.W.   Phone: 206 938-0570  Fax: 206 938-1307
Seattle, WA 98116-4499 USA  Web: http://www.traders.com/
Contents may not reflect official opinion of Technical Analysis, Inc.