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Re: GEN: Dynamic Trader Software

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

>   This may prove enlightening - or not! A few years ago there was an entire
> issue devoted to a (now) fairly well known trading guru, implying that his
> methods were sound and that he was an all-around experienced trader, very
> knowledgable about trading with good teaching methods. Partly on the basis
> of that issue I took this person's $5000 weekend course (yes, I know,
> stupid me!). Well, I found out the hard way that many of these so-called
> "reviews" are nothing more than self-promotion that worked with the
> reviewer. In my opinion, none of the above attributes of this person proved
> to be correct and I totally wasted my money (except for the very hard
> lesson learned.)
>   Don't expect that just because some publication bills itself as objective
> or crictical, that they really are. I am not saying that they are out to
> deceive, just "caveat emptor."

Interesting point
And how many "bad" reviews do we ever see in these types of publications
TASC mag ?    Very very few......   Why ?     Advertising dollars :)
Would you advertise your product in a magazine that gave it a bad review
They are all in this game together and all after the consumers dollars