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ADMIN: RealTraders' What Works? The Guide No Vendor Wants You to Read, Part II

  • To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: ADMIN: RealTraders' What Works? The Guide No Vendor Wants You to Read, Part II
  • From: Eddie Kwong <ekthree@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 16:24:27 -0800 (PST)

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This is a continuation from the email entitled: ADMIN: RealTraders' What Works? The Guide No Vendor Wants You to Read, Part I

After reading this, please email your articles and ideas to me at: 
You email on this topic sent to any other address will be ignored.

This guide will be authored by RealTraders for traders in general. We will 
distribute it amongst ourselves and throughout the internet. We may even 
publish a printed version and sell it for a very cheap price with proceeds 
going toward the continued funding of RealTraders. It will be available to 
any vendor who has the stomach to allow his product to be evaluated by the 
standards contained within the guide.

Since I am a trader I will contribute articles to it. However, since I am 
also a vendor (Kasanjian Research, makers of Nature's Pulse and Pattern 
Smasher) I will distance myself from the selection of the articles in order 
to remove the possibility of bias. Long time trader and RT member Shay H  
orowitz has volunteered for that task.

In addition to the issues I addressed above, here are some other ideas:

1)  What kinds of statistical testing prove that a trading tool actually 
2)  What kind of people should we pay attention and who should we ignore in 
this business?
3)  What are the red flags to look for in deceptive advertising?
4)  How do you read between the lines in ads?
5)  What are the most important questions to ask any vendor before buying 
their product?
6)  How do you spot a charlatan a mile away?

Here is what we don't want: Specifc reviews of products (TASC already does 
a good job of that).

Please email your articles and ideas to Shay Horowitz at: 

Eddie Kwong

P.S. This publication will be authored by members of RealTraders for the 
benefit of the worldwide trading community. We at Kasanijian Research 
expect to benefit from this project only to the extent that our trading 
tools meet the strict criteria put forth by our members.