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STK: Bear Markets~ Harry D. Schultz -Reply

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Just curious.  Who is Harry Schultz.  I don't remember coming across him before.  I have dreamed of living in Switzerland and trading markets.

>>> "Richard Harrisson" <richardh@xxxxxxxxx> 10/25/97 11:48pm >>>
BEAR MARKETS, and how to survive them....by Harry Shultz
As JER3CUBE@xxxxxxx mentioned, Harry D. Schultz  is worth a read
. . . one can probably get it from Traders Press, otherwise direct from
Harry D. Schultz at:

P.O.Box 622
CH-1001 Lausanne

btw, Harry sent out a 'general alert' about a month ago, suggesting
that all his followers liquidate their holdings of mutual funds on the
grounds that general market levels probably significantly lower by


Richard Harrisson
Aegina, Greece

> From: JER3CUBE@xxxxxxx
> To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: Gen: SOD
> Date: 25,  Οκτωβρίου 1997 7:22 μμ
> In a message dated 97-10-24 23:35:25 EDT, reen@xxxxxxx writes:
> << 
>  I'm very bearish, I have prepared a short strategy you should also..
>  Regards
>  Don >>
> Hi Don,
> Many people may not know that help is available in the form of a book
> BEAR MARKETS, and how to survive them....by Harry Shultz
> available at your larger public librarys or ones with a good business
> section.
> Is there still time to learn?........If not NOW, When?
> All the best,
> GerryB/jer33:3
> learner/teacher