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Below are the high growth S&P groups used in the Telescan discussions on
AOL. The groups that are able to grow revenue and earnings at a high rate
relative the the other groups. Of course there are always exceptions, like
the Oils and drillers the past several months.
I have a list for the IBD high growth groups somewhere if you are
interested. Among my watch list of stocks are the Industry Group Focus from
IBD. They list the current top 21 stocks of the focus group. For folks new
to the market, these are an excellent place to develop watch lists.
Data Processing DAT
Data Processing/Components DCO
Data Processing/Computer services DSE
Data Processing/Computer systems DCS
Data Processing/Leasing/Distributor DLD
Data Processing/Peripherals DPE
Data Processing/Software DSO
Drug Wholesalers DDW
Drugs-Generic and OTC DRU
Drugs-Generic and OTC/Biotech DBI
Drugs-Generic and OTC/Ethical DET
Drugs-Generic and OTC/Research DRE
Electronic PEL
Electronics/Elec/Component/Controls ECC
Electronics/Elec/DefenseElectronics EDE
Electronics/Elec/ElectronicEquip EEE
Electronics/Elec/Househld appliances EHA
Electronics/Elec/InfoServ/CommSys EIC
Electronics/Elec/Radios/TV/Tape ERT
Electronics/Elec/Semis ESE
Electronics/Electric ELE
Electronics/Electric/Industry leaders EIL
Electronics/Electric/Motors EMO
Health Care Facilities HEA
Health Care Facilities/Services HHC
Leisure-Amuse/Casinos/Gaming LCG
Leisure-Amuse/Gamble/Amus Equip. LGA
Leisure-Amuse/PhotoEquip/Finish LPF
Leisure-Amuse/Record/HomeVideo LRH
Leisure-Amuse/Sports/OutdoorEquip LSO
Leisure-Amuse/Tourism/Resorts LTR
Leisure-Amusement LEI
Leisure-Amusement/Toys/Games LTG
Med equip/Supplies/Lab/Research MLR
Medical equipment/Supplies MED
Services/Technology/Equip. FST
Telecom/Equip/Services TES
Telecom/Foreign TFO
Telecom/Local TLO
Telecom/Long Distance TLD
Telecom/Mobile, Cellular TMC
Telecommunications TEL