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GEN: Stiring the pot...

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----Walt's dilemna----
Sorry guys, but I agree with George. I sometimes enjoy Walt's 
messages, but they are quite numerous (up to 70% ??), do take up a lot of band-
width, and seem to be copied in their entirety to one-line answers, 
**ad nauseam** !!! It's like a middle-aged person and the teenager with a 
radio - I don't (strongly) disagree with what is said or how it is said, 
and would fight for the right for Walt to say it ... but I sure wish 
the volume was much, much lower.

((when you reply to my opinion, [and that's all it is], PLEASE do not 
copy my entire message - please JUST post a reference to it, huh?  
Perhaps: "comtrader"'s Message date xx-xx-97 time xx:xx:xx)) Too simple? 
Maybe every one could use a date/time 'stamp' that could REFER to the 
'message-sent-by'??? ...is that date/time applied by reception to realtraders 
or individuals ?

...now what's with the 'cheers', 'good luck', and other ':)' cute-ssie 
closing to many messages? Is this the professional or corporate way of 
exchanging trading information or opinions? Do "Real Traders" honestly 
consider "Luck" in the analysis of their trading systems? (...what greek 
letter do you assign?...) I wonder how many RTrs hear these (goodbyes) 
when they communicate with their broker or the floor phone? ...Just 

----self-directed IRA -- futures trading.----
I have an IRA account with Edward Thomas company in Fairfield IA! { 
You may call 800-874-1784 or EMail: ett@xxxxxxxxx } Yes, they also use 
InTrust, to secure/deposit funds for the tax regulations. They WILL allow 
YOU to establish a self-directed account to trade futures with IRA funds! 
30% of your funds are held back by InTrust; A $5K minimum account is 
standard by EdThomas IRA or non. If anyone even thinks I'm rewarded by 
saying this, plse send your $$$ to ....

----HTLT system?----
The thread by/to efrain's HLTL was most interesting, mostly because it 
could be directly translated to EZ language coding - of which there may 
be a few practicioners in the crowd. Here's a interesting system I was 
toying with; I have a few questions with, if you would be so kind to 
comment... ie: what's wrong with this system or my observations?

Input: Length(10),HiBand(.75),LoBand(.25),Diff(.08);
Var:   Sum(0),MidVal(0),Inx(0),PrCnt(0);

If CurrentBar > Length then 
   MidVal = (Highest(High,Length)+Lowest(Low,Length) / 2;
   Sum = 0;
   For Inx = 0 to (Length-1) do Begin
      If Close[Inx] < MidVal[Inx] then Sum = Sum + 1;
   PrCnt = Sum / Length;

   If EntryPrice = 0 and PrCnt > HiBand then Buy;         
    { 75% Enter Long }
   If EntryPrice > 0 and PrCnt < HiBand - Diff then Sell; 
    { 67% Exit  Long }
   If EntryPrice > 0 and PrCnt > LoBand + Diff then Buy;  
    { 33% Exit  Short}
   If EntryPrice = 0 and PrCnt < LoBand then Sell;        
    { 25% Enter Short}
                                Observations !?
1) The sign within the FOR, testing the close[x] to the midvalue[x]    
should probably be greater-than '>' if truely related to issues of    
2) Coding allows use of optimizing the length or over-optimization 
other    variables.
3) Assume that one only varies or optimizes the Length variable, why   
    does this 'incorrect system' make so much money for being 'wrong'?? 
Jim Kuzma

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