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Free Trades

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Gene K. Frydel wrote:
> Fellow Traders,
> I stumbled upon an advertisement for a stock broker offering zero
> commissions on Nasdaq trades of at least 1000 shares.
> They're at http://www.webstreetsecurities.com
> My question is, how do they make money on those trades?
> Also, does one pay extra in the form of slippage, and
> has anyone had any experience with them?
> Thanks,
> Gene


I reviewed their Web site.  Most likely they will principal the 
transaction and quote you 1/8th or 1/4th per share higher than the 
market.   Add this to the  bid-asked "spread" that is always there, and 
there usually is no bargin. One way or the other, you will pay!  None of 
these organizations do anything for free, believe me!  