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FUT GEN: Midam, commissions, and slippage

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--- Begin Message ---
Subject: Midam, commissions, and slippage
From: Conrad Bowers <cpbow@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 16:22:23 -0400
Newsgroups: misc.invest.futures
Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc.
Reply-To: cpbow@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I was considering a publically available technical analysis service
(commodex) and wanted to see if I could use it with Midam's.  This study
drove home to me how important the slippage/commission figure is and
raises questions about whether doing the small contracts is viable at
least with this system.  (Commodex is a moderately active end-of-day
system trading maybe 10 times per year per commodity.)
	I used their track record for 1996 which has its own problems about
what prices they use, but for this test I ignored these reservations. 
They use a commission and slippage figure of $30 - 45.  Well, I pay $29
in commissions alone.  I figured a slippage of 4-8 tics, depending on


commodity	their result		Midam result	Midam contract size
				   with larger (rel.) slip.
corn		 4517			287			1/5
oats		-2810			-1310			1/5
wheat		 4508			200			1/5
canadian $	  625			-288			1/2
pound		4415			73			1/5
gold		2530			388			1/3
live cattle	1212			-24			1/2
live hogs	2688			496			1/2

total		17,685			-177

drawdown	-4300			-2700

I suppose the biggest problem is that a $30 commission on a Midam is
like a $150 commission on a fullsize contract, for the 1/5 size ones. 
Plus I used a relative slippage of 2-3 times as great as theirs (but
scaled down to the Midam size).

II. What's the result using bigger slippage/commission (80 - 110 instead
of their 30 - 45) on the regular size contracts?

commodity	their result		big slip result		slip/comm used
							     them    this test
corn		 4517			3817			30	80
oats		-2810			-3910			30	80
wheat		 4508			3428			30	90
canadian $	  625			-95			45	90
pound		4415			2526			45	80
gold		2530			1620			45	110
live cattle	1212			57			40	90
live hogs	2688			1753			40	90

total		17,685			9196

drawdown	-4300			-6900

ROA		160%			  82%    profit/(draw+margin)

Of course maybe 4-8 tics is too much slippage.  I often get about 2. 

Anyway, I guess these are the conclusions I draw.

1. Be wary of testing/track records with too little (or no) deductions
for slip/comm.    Most vendors use $75 but I've seen several taking no
deductions.  Don't just assume the "small" differences will iron out. 
Just increasing the slip/comm from about $40 to about $90 above halved
the return and increased the DD.  In this particular case, however,
fairly conservative (large) assumptions for slippage still are
profitable on the full size contracts (**subject to the limitations of
their track record** which have been discussed elsewhere and would have
to be tested separately).

2.  Don't just assume you can apply a program tested on regular data to
Midam without a recalculation taking into particular account your

This seems to leave me, the very small ($5K) account holder, with a few
less choices:

It seems I can't diversify at the expense of using Midams if I'm using a
mechanical system that is at all active.  I could try to be more
selective (e.g. using more filters in the selection of trades, or using
fundamentals/others' predictions to take just a few trades;  but how to
test that and what about the time and subjectivity this takes?

Or I could plan to do one or a very few full size contract.  Now the
problem is that without diversifying, the drawdown is likely to be 5 -
10 times the margin with most of the mechanical systems I've seen.

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