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CSTA Seminar in Toronto Oct 25-26, 97

  • To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: CSTA Seminar in Toronto Oct 25-26, 97
  • From: "Berman, Larry" <BERMANkkkkkkkkk>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 09:15:42 -0700 (PDT)

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     The CSTA is a not for profit organization. 
     The Canadian Society of Technical Analysts presents: 
     Elements of Successful Trading
     ú Trading Psychology
     ú Risk Management Techniques
     ú Event Probability Trading
     ú Real Time Technical Indicators
     ú Systematic Trading
     October 25-26, 1997.
     Sheraton Centre, Toronto
     Sponsored by:
     October, 25, 1997
     8:00-9:00 Registration
     9:00-10:30 Trading with Market Profile
     Speaker: Joel M. Marver
     10:15-10:30 Coffee
     Sponsor: CIBC Wood Gundy
     10:30-12:00 Trading Psychology
     Speaker: Adrienne Laris Toghraie
     12:00-1:45 Lunch - Investing in Russia
     Speaker: Dr. Alex Elder
     Sponsor: Technical Data, Boston
     1:45-2:45 Developing and Testing Trading Systems
     Speaker: Nelson Freeburg
     2:45-3:00 Coffee
     Sponsor: CQG
     3:00-5:00 New Technical Indicators 
     Speaker: Tom DeMark
     5:00-5:30 Discussion Panel
     Moderator: Larry M. Berman, CIBC Wood Gundy
     Joel M. Marver
     Adrienne Laris Toghraie
     Nelson Freeburg
     Tom DeMark 
     5:30 -6:30 Cocktails and h'orderves
     Dinner on own
     October, 26, 1997
     9:00-9:30 Event Probability Trading
     Speaker: Anthony D. Kolton.
     9:30-10:30 Trading Psychology
     Speaker: Dr. Alexander Elder
     10:30-10:45 Coffee
     10:45-12:00 Technical Analysis of US Bond Futures; It's not what you 
     Speaker: James Bianco
     12:00-1:45 Lunch - Elliott Wave and Cycles in the Canadian Bond Market
     Speaker: Nina Cooper
     1:45-3:00 The New Technical Trader
     Speaker: Tuschar Chande
     3:00-3:15 Coffee
     3:15-4:30 Cybernetic Trading Strategies 
     Speaker: Murray Ruggiero
     5:30-6:00 Discussion Panel
     Moderator: Mike Herring, Nesbitt Burns
     James Bianco 
     Tony D. Kolton
     Dr. Alex Elder
     Tuschar Chande
     Murray Ruggiero
     6:00 Conference Finishes
     Speaker Profiles:
     Tushar Chande PhD:  is Vice President, Tuscarora Capital Management. 
     Mr. Chande is a contributing editor  to Technical Analysis of Stocks & 
     Commodities magazine, has been a CTA, and is the co-author of The New 
     Technical Trader, and the author of Beyond Technical Analysis. Mr. 
     Chande holds nine U.S. patents in the areas of high-power lasers and 
     optical fibers.
     Mr. Chande will discuss his Market Thrust concept from The New 
     Technical Trader, and personal beliefs in the context of system 
     design. In addition, Mr. Chande will give an overview of Data 
     Scrambling, a technique that he has created to provide unlimited 
     amounts of data for system testing.
     Nelson Freeburg: is the editor and publisher of the market research 
     newsletter Formula Research. Mr. Freeburg is an expert on trading 
     system design and development. His newsletter is widely read by 
     institutional money managers and private investors, including John 
     Bollinger, Ned Davis, Peter Eliades, Norman Fosback, and many others
     Mechanical timing formulas offer many advantages over intuitive `seat 
     of the pants' trading. Yet, one of the pitfalls in model building is 
     the danger of curve-fitting. Mr. Freeburg will show how techniques 
     like walk-forward testing, out-of-sample validation, and parameter 
     sensitivity checks can help build robust, winning trading systems. In 
     the process, Mr. Freeburg will disclose some of his favorite trading 
     systems for stocks, bonds, commodities and currencies.
     Adrienne Laris Toghraie: President, Trading on Target, and Enriching 
     Life Seminars. Ms. Toghraie is an internationally recognized authority 
     in the field of human development and a master practitioner of 
     Neuro-Linguistic Programming for 
     the business and financial communities. She is the founder of Trading 
     on Target and Enriching Life Seminars, two companies dedicated to 
     helping traders, sales people, and others to dramatically increase 
     profits and success in all areas of life. Adrienne's articles have 
     been published in Stocks & Commodities, Futures, and others. Adrienne 
     is the co-author of the book, The Wining Edge. Trading 102, 
     co-authored by Sunny Harris, will be published this year by Wiley.
     Ms. Toghraie will be discussing Conquering Sabotage Traps in Your 
     Trading. In the seminar, Ms. Toghraie will discuss: 
     The 5 symptoms of a trading saboteur.
     The 3 reasons traders sabotage themselves.
     The 10 sabotage traps into which you can fall. How to avoid falling 
     into the sabotage traps. How to pull yourself out of the traps, if you 
     Murray Ruggiero: Ruggiero Associates. Murray Ruggiero is a 
     contributing editor to Futures magazine, and has published more than 
     four dozen articles in the 1990s. Mr. Ruggiero is the editor and 
     publisher of the Inside Advantage newsletter, and the author of the 
     recently published Cybernetic Trading Strategies. In addition, Mr. 
     Ruggiero is the inventor of a patented method for embedding a neural 
     network into a spreadsheet. He
     will be discussing material from his new book "Cybernetic Trading 
     Strategies," including intermarket analysis, statistics, fuzzy logic, 
     and neural nets.
     Tony D. Kolton: Founder and President of Logical Information Machines, 
     a computer and software database company that produces the Market 
     Information Machine (MIM). The MIM allows you to easily pose historic 
     queries using any number of technical, fundamental, and/or economic 
     factors. Prior to founding LIM in 1988, Mr. Kolton was a member of 
     both the CBOT and CBOE, and owned a private trading firm. Mr. Kolton 
     is a Certified Public Accountant and has a Juris Doctor degree in law 
     and a Masters of Science degree in taxation.
     Tony is a former floor trader who developed an event trading database 
     to develop trading strategies. His software is used by most major 
     dealers worldwide.
     Tom DeMark: is President of Market Studies Inc., a technical analysis 
     consultant to numerous financial institutions including Leon Cooperman 
     and Omega Advisors, a multi-billion dollar hedge fund. Author of the 
     best selling book, "The New Science of Technical Analysis" (Wiley, 
     1994) and his new book, "New Market Timing Techniques" (Wiley, 1997) . 
     Mr. DeMark will disclose his new technical analysis tools.
     Joel Marver, is the Chief Technical Analyst at Technical Data. His 
     areas of expertise include Market Profile analysis and the development 
     of intermediate- and long-term technical trading strategies. Joel 
     attended Indiana University and holds BA., MBA. and JD. degrees. Mr. 
     Marver will show the evolution of Market Profile and how to use it in 
     fixed income and foreign exchange trading strategies.
     James A. Bianco: is Director of Research at Arbor Trading Group Inc.  
     Arbor is an institutional fixed income brokerage firm located in 
     Barrington, Illinois.  Since November 1990, he has been producing 
     Arbor's fixed income commentaries with a circulation of hundreds of 
     portfolio managers and traders.  Jim's commentaries are primarily 
     devoted to the fixed income markets with special emphasis on: money 
     flow characteristics of primary dealers, mutual funds, hedge funds, 
     futures traders, banks, and institutional investors.
      Prior to joining Arbor, Jim spent five years in New York City with 
     several prominent investment banking firms.  He was a Market 
     Strategist in equity and fixed income research at UBS Securities and 
     Equity Technical Analyst at First Boston and Shearson Lehman Brothers. 
      He is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) and a member of the Market 
     Technicians Association (MTA.  He has a Bachelor of Science degree in 
     Finance from Marquette University (1984) and an MBA from Fordham 
     University (1989).
     Dr. Alex Elder: Dr. Alexander Elder is a trader based in New York 
     City.  He is the author of Trading for a Living and the Study Guide 
     for Trading for a Living, considered modern classics among traders.
     Dr. Elder  was trained as a psychiatrist, providing him with a unique 
     insight into the psychology of trading.  In his books and articles he 
     clearly explains the psychology of winning and losing, as well as the 
     steps one has to take to succeed in trading.
     Dr. Elder's books and articles, as well as his book and software 
     reviews in FUTURES and other magazines have established him as one of 
     today's leading experts on technical analysis.  In a year-long series 
     of articles in FUTURES Dr. Elder has applied his concepts of technical 
     analysis to day-trading.
     Dr. Elder was born in the USSR and escaped to the US after jumping a 
     Soviet ship in Africa.  In recent years, after the collapse of 
     communism, he has been traveling to Russia to trade in its emerging 
     markets and teach American methods to local traders.  He is a member 
     of The Russian Exchange and serves as its representative in North 
     General Information:
     Hotel Accommodations are available at a rate of $169/ppd plus taxes. 
     Please call the Sheraton Centre at 416-361-1000 to reserve your room. 
     Make sure to ask for the CSTA rate. 
     Registration Form
     Registration fee by October 18:
     CSTA Members $250
     Non-Members $350
     If Space is available, the cost at the door will be:
     CSTA Member $295
     Non-Member $395
     Price for Non-Members include 1997/98 annual membership.
     Name: ____________________________
     Company: _________________________
     Address: __________________________
     City: ____________  Prov/State: _______
     Postal/Zip: _____________
     Telephone: __________________
     Please make cheque payable to: "The Canadian Society of Technical 
     Analysts" and mail to: CSTA, Suite 2000, 390 Bay Street, Toronto, 
     Ontario M5H 2Y2