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Greetings to All,

Yes indeed Tom, your posting does provide encouragement.  There is only
one thing more dangerous and difficult than daytrading the S&P and that
is being handicapped by the attitude that it can't be done.  

The comments by Mark are definitely things that need to be said and no
trader should ever attempt to daytrade the S&P unless they've been
around for a good time (and not wasting it) and are shall we say at
least reasonably "seasoned".  Actually very seasoned.      

It's all relative too.  It is very conceivable that certain individuals
can learn more about the markets after studying them for 10 years than
others after being involved for 30.  A critical key is definitely how to
handle "information overload".  Hand in hand with this goes the required
ability to be able to sift through all the crap and isolate what is
pertinent to what you are trying to accomplish, without getting too
complicated.  More specifically, the exact market (everyone is
different) you are planning on tackling with a specific focus on what
moves your market in the correct TIME FRAME as well.  

The "game" (in any time frame) is basically won by the trader who knows
how to manage risk. It goes without saying that in order to manage risk
in the marketplace, you first and foremost have to know how to manage
YOURSELF.  'Nuff said.  Those that don't understand will someday if they
learn and grow.

Each and everyone of us CAN and WILL succeed as long as we make sure we
are adequately prepared.  It is the futile quest to make this happen
overnight that destroys bank accounts. IT CAN BE DONE!

Best regards,