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Re: Fw: TRADERS_list Astro 101 course

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In a message dated 97-07-14 19:07:34 EDT, droex write:

> As someone who works in the securities industry I would really encourage
 everyone to find a different forum for compliments/disputes.......good
 or bad this is why regulators provide an avenue to examine and address
 these issues.
 The State of Florida...as well as the CFTC and SEC all provide an
 opportunity to complain and examine these issues.  The states themselves
 are especially active in examining issues related to "professional"
 advice.  They are the regulator of last course when it is unclear if the
 SEC or CFTC is involved(Generally it is not the SEC because almost
 everyone avoids securities because the SEC guidelines are so narrow).
 Take it to the correct forum.
Sorry, Doc, but I don't get it.  I think this is a perfectly correct forum
for trader to trader communication on vendors, brokers, etc.  It's obvious to
all concerned that one cannot lodge a FORMAL complaint here and that govt.
agencies are involved in that process.  But why can't we discuss vendors,
brokers, and gurus here?  Speaking for myself, I treat all vendors of goods
and services the same--whether they're selling stocks, software, or tires for
my car.  If they do a good, honest job, I recommend 'em to friends and
colleagues; else, I rat 'em out to the same group.  Under your scheme of
things (tell your story to govt agencies only),  the free flow of information
is impeded and the bad guys continue to prosper at the expense of both
consumers and the good guys. 

Please note that I am not making a judgement one way or the other about this
particular situation--I'm taking issue with your command to "Take it to the
correct forum".

Walter Baker