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Re: Day Trading

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In a message dated 97-07-14 13:07:29 EDT, schnake1@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Steve
Schnake) writes:

<< Hello fellow RT's,
 I'm a MasterSuite trader, have been paper-daytrading several systems for a
 while now. I just went live last week and did $3750 in the S&P. There's no
 reason we can't make money day-trading from home! I just don't have much of
 a track record yet.
 						Steve Schnake >>

not to be a party pooper or anything....but consider yourself lucky so far.
The sppoz giveth and the spooz taketh away. Happens everyday. If you can
trade the sppoz you can trade anything on earth. The reverse is not true. Be
careful and just stay with one lots for awhile. I have seen the market move
500 handles + in the blink of an eye. A few weeks ago I saw it offered down 3
handles with no bids in site....if you were long you were losing and no way
to get out. I always love hearing :" 800 even offer (ex 92800) " then "600
even offer on a hundred" " 400 even offer" "LIMIT OFFER"!!!!!!!"