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Re: Getting started again with TS4

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Here's a post I dug up from my archives. I don't know whether it applies

to win98. As for builds, you should probably install build 23.

> If you are having trouble with your security block, here are a number
> items to check:
> Go into Windows Explorer by clicking START-PROGRAMS-WINDOWS EXPLORER.
> the WINDOWS folder under the C; drive in the window on the left. Click
> the plus (+) sign next to it to reveal additional folders under it.
> click on the TEMP folder to reveal it's contents in the window on the
> Click EDIT-SELECT ALL and then FILE-DELETE to remove all of it's
> Make sure that you have at least 150MB free hard drive space on the
> containing Windows as well as the drive you have our program on.
> Perform a "SCANDISK" on all of the hard disks in your computer, and
let it
> check for disk errors.
> Perform a "DEFRAG" on all of the hard disks in your computer.
> After performing the above maintenance routine, please do a  full
> (turn your PC off) and reboot.
> If this does not correct the problem, then do the following. Try each
> in order and continue only if the problem persists:
> 1. After installing, reboot the computer. Windows must be restarted
> after an installation in order for any Omega Research application to
> properly.
> 2. Check that the Security Block is attached to the parallel port of
> the PC.
> 3. If there are any other devices attached to the block, try removing
> them.
> 4. If there is a printer attached, try starting the Data Server with
> the following combinations:
> a. Printer attached to the block, turned on.
> b. Printer attached to the block, turned off.
> c. Printer not attached to the block.
> 5. If there is no printer or the combinations in step 3 do not work,
> check the speed settings of the block. This requires running the
> speed measurement utility in DOS. Note to AMD K6 users: This utility
> report an incorrect setting. Please skip to step h. and use the
> 2,2,50.
> a. Select the Start | Programs | MS-DOS Prompt menu sequence.
> b. The DOS prompt should be running in full screen mode. This
> means the monitor screen will be completely black, with DOS text in
> No other "windows" should be seen with exception of the DOS screen. If

> is not the case, change to full screen mode by clicking on the
> icon on the menu bar. Select the Screen tab and select Full Screen
> Click OK.
> c. At the prompt type CD C:\OMEGA\PROG\DRIVERS\NT <Enter>.
> d. At the prompt (C:\OMEGA\PROG\DRIVERS\NT>) type SSIACT
> <Enter>. This will start the Speed Measurement Utility.
> e. At the "Hit enter when ready" message, make sure the
> security block is attached properly and then hit <Enter>.
> f. The test will begin followed by "MEASURING". If the message
> ACTIVATOR NOT FOUND appears please call our Customer Support
> Otherwise, a message will appear stating, "The optimal parameters for
> computer is SET SSI_ACT=" followed by series of numbers. Copy down the

> series of numbers.
> g. At the prompt (C:\OMEGA\PROG\DRIVERS\NT>) type EXIT. This
> will return to the WINDOWS environment.
> h. To use the new parameters:
> i. Click the Start | Run menu sequence.
> ii. At the Open: edit box type SYSEDIT and click OK.
> This will bring up the System Configuration Editor.
> iii. Select the Window | AUTOEXEC.BAT menu sequence.
> iv. Scroll down to the line: SET SSI_ACT,10,10
> (10,10,10 is the default setting). Change 10,10,10 to the series of
> from the test in DOS (Results of step f).
> v. Click the File | Save menu sequence.
> vi. Click File | Exit.
> i. Reboot and restart the Data Server
> 6. The SYSTEM.INI file, [386Enh] section should contain the line
> a. Click the Start | Run menu sequence.
> b. At the Open: edit box type SYSEDIT and click OK. This will
> bring up the System Configuration Editor.
> c. Select the Window | SYSTEM.INI menu sequence.
> d. Scroll down to the line that reads [386Enh]. Check until the
> next blank line for a line that begins device=ssiact.386. There should
> be a semicolon (;) in front of the line. If the line does not exist,
> immediately under the [386Enh] line.
> e. Click the File | Save menu sequence.
> f. Click File | Exit.
> 7. If the Security Block is on an LPT port other than LPT1, the
> SYSTEM.INI file, [386Enh] section must contain the following line:
> a. Click the Start | Run menu sequence.
> b. At the Open: edit box type SYSEDIT and click OK. This will
> bring up the System Configuration Editor.
> c. Select the Window | SYSTEM.INI menu sequence.
> d. Scroll down to the line that reads [386Enh]. Check until the
> next blank line for a line that reads SSI_LPT=n (where n=1,2,3)
> what port the block is on. There should NOT be a semicolon (;) in
front of
> the line. If the line does not exist, add it immediately under the
> line.
> e. Click the File | Save menu sequence.
> f. Click File | Exit.
> 8. Delete the *.CRI files from the OMEGA subdirectories
> a. Click the Start | Find | Files or Folders menu sequence.
> b. In the Named: edit box, type in *.CRI
> c. In the Look In: edit box, type in C:\OMEGA
> d. Make sure there is a check in the Include Subfolders
> checkbox and click the Find Now button.
> e. One or more files should be found. Click on Edit | Select
> All, then File | Delete. Confirm deletion to the Recycle Bin and close
> Find window.