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Re: A peek inside Tradestation.com - what would it show?

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Every broker knows of ways to get around what would be
"illegal", and I firmly believe they all moniter the
trades of their top customers and try to figure out
what trading systems they are using. Definitely not
for selling but most likely for trading those systems

--- Hakan Persson <exp@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi
> I was thinking - If  I owned Omega Research and had
> their customerbase of several thousand traders,
> all trading through my brokerage division, I would
> know that in the long run most of my clients
> aren't all that lucky in the market. But a certain
> percentage would do well. Maybe they're great
> programmers and analysts who between them have put
> countless of hours into setting up their
> Tradestations. Or maybe they just have a natural
> feeling for where the market is heading next.
> I know in my heart that I would want to know how
> accurate the worlds best trading systems could be.
> I would want to know that, and I would know that the
> answer was sitting right there inside my
> company's server.
> So I would analyse the most prospering top 5 % of my
> clientbase, based on what markets they're able
> to skim the cream off of, and even build systems
> around their trades, for  truly outstanding
> signals in each market. It would be like having
> hired a large group of the most brilliant analysts
> you could find.
> I might not use the results for my own benefit.
> Maybe that's illegal, or maybe I would be earning
> quite enough from my commissions. But I'm pretty
> sure I would want to know how well my most skilful
> customers were doing, and how accurate they are,
> between them.
> Or maybe the answer is a sobering one, maybe the
> server would show that there aren't hardly any
> hotshot traders who constantly makes a fortune year
> after year. Maybe the outstanding ones only
> manage 5 to 12% profits after taxes, in the long
> run? (Which ofcourse isn't bad, if you start out
> with alot of money). Is that the real reason we
> don't see advertisments from Omega featuring their
> most skilful subscribers sipping drinks in the
> Carribean?  
> Anybody know the Cruz brothers well enough to get an
> answer from them on this ageold question about
> the little guy versus the market?
> Sigge