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Market Timing Hoaxes, Myths, and Scams

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> And Ron, since no one has weighed in on the book idea...
> No one is going to buy a book titled "There's No Proof That Anyone Makes
> Money Trading E-mini's"

The actual title I was thinking of is "Market Timing Hoaxes, Myths, and
Scams". My discoveries about the emini are just the tip of the iceberg.

Don't be surprised to see a book like mine in every trader's library some
day. I haven't actually proposed it to a publisher yet, but my friends and I
are interested to see if there will be any interest. One theory we have is
that trading book publishers would reject it as cannibalistic, but other
publishers would receive it with great interest and enthusiasm.

I think that this is a book that badly needs to be written. I really think
it's time to take inventory of all of the scams being pulled off out there
with curve-fit trading systems, fabricated track records, and fraudulent
get-rich-quick promises by desperate vendors who have no shame. I think it's
past time to expose the fraud, deceit, and dishonesty that has degraded the
trading and investing industry to the level of gambling.

I am fascinated by some of the negative and vicious attacks that my recent
posts generated. One of my theories is that the attackers are brokers, or
others who have a vested interest in promoting trading hoaxes, myths, and

I wonder if there are people in the trading community who know what I know
about trading hoaxes, but don't want to admit it to themselves or others. I
can understand why the suggestion inflames people, but I don't see why
honest and intelligent critical thinkers would feel threatened or feel a
need to attack ideas such as the ones I've presented here.

At this point, I am going on the assumption that the attackers of my ideas
are hucksters and neophytes with hidden agendas, or just angry people
looking for any way they can find to abuse others. In either case, I see no
reason why their attacks should intimidate me or discourage me from
exercising my 5th amendment rights to free speech. If some of you guys can't
express your opinions without calling names, then that's you're problem.

Maybe some of the attackers here are not Americans, and therefore don't
understand or appreciate our attitudes about freedom of speech. If this is
the case, then I understand your confusion. My ancestors settled in this
country in the 17th century, so I consider it perfectly normal to have an
opinion and share it without fear of retribution.

You can read more about these theories when I publish the book <smile>.
Remember the title: "Market Timing Hoaxes, Myths, and Scams." What do you

This list has been and will continue to be a key source for my research and
intelligence-gathering. Thank you all for taking the time to educate and
inspire me.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kent Rollins [mailto:kentr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 6:50 PM
> To: OmegaList
> Subject: Re: e-mini day trading systems
> And Ron, since no one has weighed in on the book idea...
> No one is going to buy a book titled "There's No Proof That Anyone Makes
> Money Trading E-mini's"
> Kent Rollins