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Re:upticks and downticks in radarscreen

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On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 19:45:02 Romi Ghose wrote:

"It seems RadarScreen interprets upticks as volume and zeroes out
downticks (however, charts do not, as you know).  Is there a way to use
upticks and downticks in RS...perhaps by way of a gloval var or some
other trick?"

By using a global variable (GV) it is possible to show in RadarScreen
(RS), with a data compression setting of 1 or 5 minutes, the volume of
the upticks and downticks for each tick bar. The code is below (here I
used Hashnumb ( http://www.investlabs.com/  ) but any other GV could be

Romi points out the problem in his post. Namely, that the parameters
upticks and downticks in RS, represent the sum of total ticks per unit
time and nothing (zero!) respectively. 

q_upvolume and  q_downvolume return at any compression the total
upticks  and downticks per unit time. The EL dictionary does not show
these but the online user manual does which indicates they "can only be
referenced when writing analysis techniques for RadarScreen and
OptionStation".  These q_ parameters can not be stored tick by tick in
an array during a 1 or 5 minute interval. Even tho the print screen
shows each total tick volume during the 1 or 5 minute bar, only at the
close of the 1 or 5 minute bar will a value (the total volume) be
recorded in the array, somewhat like in a strategy. This is why a GV
must be used to store each tick volume within the 1 or 5 minute bar.

If the code does not work then after you paste the code into PE, under
properties (r clik) set "Load additonal data .." to 10 or more for past

The .001* is to get rid of trailing zeros.

if currentbar=1 then begin

var: x(0), y(0),y2(0),y3(0),z(0), w(0),w2(0),z1(0),
w1(0),x2(0),x3(0),z2(0), volup(0), voldn(0);

x=q_upvolume;   {at any compression the total upticks and downticks
perunit time}
x2=getNo("rad", 1);   {get pervious value of z (total uptic) and w
(total dntic)}
y2=getNo("rad", 3);

putNo("rad", 2, x2);   {store pervious value of z and w }
putNo("rad", 4, y2);

z=(x-x[1]);            {calculate new value of z and w }

putNo("rad", 1, z);     {store new value of z (total uptic) and w (total
putNo("rad", 3, w);

x3=getNo("rad", 2);     {get pervious value of z and w }
y3=getNo("rad", 4);

z2=z - x3;          {calculate last uptic and downtic at current bar}
w2=w - y3;	

if z<>0 and z>0 then plot1(.001*z);  {upticks per unit time at any
if w<>0 and w>0 then plot3(.001*w);  {downticks per unit time at any

if z2<>0 and z2>0 then plot2(.001*z2);  {last uptick per bar at any
if w2<>0 and w2>0 then plot4(.001*w2);  {last downtick per bar at any
