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Re: TS Slowdowns

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Chris Glander wrote:
> Has anyone noticed problems in fast markets with Tradestation
> freezing up.  Mine maxes out the CPU and freezes until it catches up
> by painting multiple bars all at one time.  I have talked to traders
> who have the same problem.  Unfortunately, TS Support blames it on
> the computer not being fast enough to calculate all the indicators
> tick by tick.  So I have turned off all unnecessary intra-bar
> updating and it still has the problem. One trader says he has the
> fastest PC Dell made and his does the same thing. 
> This only happens during a run in the market (the exact time you
> NEED the charts) creating fast mkt conditions.  Some say it could be
> the internet connection, but its as fast as I can get, around 512k
> throughput, which is faster than alot of traders I talked to.  I only
> mention it so I don't get alot of generic replies for things to rule
> out I have already tried.  What are the TS limitations?  If there are
> some, why are they not published, like you can only have 1 workspace
> with 1 chart open with 2 indicators for it to work without a Cray
> Supercomputer.  TS states it is not their problem.

How about you not being so generic in your post and mentioning
how many charts you have open and how many indicators are
on your charts and how fast your computer is so we can compare? 
Maybe the fastest computer in the world is just
not fast enough for the demands you have for it. I would suggest
take a look at your memory. Fast CPU's is not the only thing
important. Look if your memory is all used up wich would
incredibably slow down the computer. And if you notice yourself
that with half the charts and half the indicators that the problem
is solved, why not get a second computer ?
