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Re: (Fwd) Re: next day open DLL

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 I'm using daily bars that are updating live and for this I am trying to use TS 7.1 
 I just wish there was a DLL that would let me reference that open for an order on the same bar .. otherwise all the code has to be changed to accommodate a 1 minute bar chart (very painful). and you have to hope that the stop level is not hit in the first minute.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Fritz" <fritz@xxxxxxxx>
To: "Chris Evans" <evanscje@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 8:36 AM
Subject: (Fwd) Re: next day open DLL

> My emailer crashed just as I was sending this.  Sorry if you get 
> two copies.
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> From:           Gary Fritz <fritz@xxxxxxxx>
> To:             "Chris Evans" <evanscje@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject:        Re: next day open DLL
> Send reply to:  Gary Fritz <fritz@xxxxxxxx>
> Date sent:      Thu, 02 Oct 2003 09:34:53 -0600
> > so i tried :
> > If date<>Date[1] then 
> > Todaysopen=Open
> That will get the open of the first bar of the day, which BTW is 
> the same as what OpenD(0) returns.
> > Buy at Q contracts at TodaysOpen +N*Range stop
> >         .. and I get the error "Market,stop, and limit orders must
> > specify "Next bar" 
> You must be on TS6/7.  They started forcing that extra noise 
> syntax in those releases.  TS has ALWAYS issued stops on the next 
> bar, but they decided they had to make that bleedingly obvious by 
> making you type it into every order.
> > If I put in "next bar" into the order then the value for Todaysopen
> > will always be yesterday's open - not today's 
> Are you using daily bars?  I wasn't sure since you talked about 
> both intraday and EOD stuff.
> Remember that stops **ALWAYS** apply to the next bar, and always 
> have.  Your system code **ALWAYS** runs at the CLOSE of the bar, 
> so by the time your code runs on a bar, it's too late to issue 
> any stops on that bar.
> If you're using intraday data, then you can use the approach 
> above to get the opening price, and issue the stop on subsequent 
> bars during the day.  You CAN'T issue a stop on the first bar, 
> since you don't know the value of TodaysOpen until the CLOSE of 
> the first bar.
> Similarly, if you are using daily bars, you CAN'T use the 
> approach above.  You won't know TodaysOpen until the CLOSE of the 
> day's bar, at which point it's too late to issue stops for that 
> day.
> For daily bars, the ONLY way to issue stops based off the opening 
> price is to use the "Open of next bar" or (equivalent) "Open of 
> tomorrow" syntax.  That peeks into the future and lets you place 
> your stops on TOMORROW's bar using TOMORROW's open.
> In reality you can't tell tomorrow's open at the close of today.  
> But in reality you could place stops tomorrow morning using 
> tomorrow's opening price (calling your broker right after the 
> open), and you can't do that in TS.  So they use this "unreal" 
> workaround to simulate what you really can do in real trading.
> Gary
> PS:  Do you mind if I copy this to the Olist?
> ------- End of forwarded message -------