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DTN and datafeed mkt share

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Re: Mark Brown's comments about dtn.  If dtn wants to make a quantum leap
in retaining and increasing datafeed market share they have an opportunity
right now.  Currently they have a new Chameleon in beta testing.  This new
version is designed to be compatible with both dtniq and dtnsatellite as
part of their datacompatibility goals.  Chameleon has ethernet capability
via the satellite receiver.  
1. Number one suggestion.
Make this new Chameleon so that other software applications can have hooks
into either datafeed on the same computer, similar to the way esignal can
feed 6 to 8 applications.  If sat goes down due to weather, then it picks
up dtniq on the internet and seemlessly fills in dataholes.  Perhaps with
enough encouragement, Andy at  http://www.tssupport.com/products/ms/ would
create a dtniq and dtnsatellite version of MSRT that would feed off of or
via Chameleon similar to the way IB TWS feeds MSRT and TS2ki.  That opens
up the entire world of DBC DataManager compatible software including
TS2000i.  This version of MSRT would also permit storing of the statistical
data by field assignments from the Total field to the Last field.   Such an
arrangement also alleviates the need for the "P" process codes,
categories.txt and at least 5 other files needed by dtn/GS and data would
begin storing immediately rather than the several day wait, or the
occassional call to tech support to force a P code send.  The GS Server
becomes much more efficient and trouble free datawise and the datafeed
becomes more useful in that Chameleon then becomes available for viewing
selected news, symbol changes, user messages, etc..   Chameleon charting
would not have to be used but all the other features would be available
such as the extensive quote window.  
