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> the guy does know exactly what it cost because it is Chuck Thompson
> who runs eSignal.  ;)  he uses a yahoo.com  mail account to slum and
> spam eSignal on the net.   mr. wireless is Chuck Thompson.

okay, that is something useful to know at least. in my not so humble
opinion, perhaps. :)
however, a good opinion is still one opinion. :)

> we need to all voice our opinions

so true, if nothing else. :)

i wouldn't say data access is already really cheap by itself.
what one needs to know is what the connections cost, the maintainance costs,
the paperwork, the legalwork, pay the people who organise things, and maybe
a thing or two, three, or something to that effect, more to know how to make
a business.

i wouldn't believe it if someone told me esignal isn't profitable on how it
is operating now already. the question they might need to ask themselves is
How satisfied do they want costumers to be (fair price, anyone?) and if they
really feel the need to go the 'microsoft route' of terminating any
competition, to ultimately jack up the price for one's benefit even more.
probably, that is.

however, the yin yang effect of this is also that if someone smart comes up
they will catch this price increase of esignal and offer something similar,
equal qualitywise, and do it for less or way less. economic cycles, anyone?