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Re: Data Feeds

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HyperFeed?  Haven't tried it myself.  Just noting it's the only one you
forgot to blast.  Might as well make a clean sweep of it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Brown" <markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 5:54 PM
Subject: Data Feeds

Hello ,

ok i have dumped dtn satellite as of just after the first of the year
because of continual monday morning problems, where they took it upon
themselves to change files on my system with no apparent regard to
the consequences to ts2ki.

i have just dumped quote.com because of continual server farm hopping
and their fictitious security claiming non existent multiple log
in attempts.  not to mention their rubber band data delivery which
conveniently sends real time data delayed.

i lament over the old bmi service though it was slow it was dependable
and multi seat friendly. as well as the dbc blackbox predecessor via
fm or sat. oh well those days will never return i guess - had to be
the all time dependable service.

sp comstock with it's convoluted symbols and insane expense will also
gather dust in the corner of my minds real time data debacles as i
recall having to align an impossible finicky now defunct equatorial sat
dish.  oh those were the days and trying to multi seat that one was a
feat that only products from blackbox could tackle.

cqg - expensive, arrogant bull headed and convoluted symbology and
lying when they say you can program your own studies. the most
dependable accurate and take total control of your computer everything
else be dammed data feed in existence.  now for the bad cons.

pc quote - been 1990's since i used this one now some new name i
guess. in the old days i had a os2 dedicated server just to receive the
data which came in in quantities large enough to drown you.  constant
software upgrades and weird things happening. but wins award for most
data transmitted fastest.

futuresource - other that esignal it's the only pay for every exchange
and we give you limited symbols feed i know of.  the nerve of fs to
take my money and deliver me limited symbols.  it's astonishing and
the clunky software reminded me of 80's dos ware. there net feed isn't
used by them i guess otherwise they would know that they are missing
option quotes which occur every month on some futures symbols that are
them selves quarterly.  no use to even try and explain this to them.

ok so where am i now ?  esignal and mr. chuck thompson at the helm
that's where.  it werk's well with my ts2ki and recently i had 6
accounts now down to 2. the fine line between heaven and hell consist
of the following ingredients.

*did i mention werk's well with ts2ki.

*now has "limited" history while nice needs to look at quote.com for a
benchmark for quantity and delivery speed.

*severely limited number of symbols for price. this is one item which
is devastating esignal as a viable feed in my opinion. say you
subscribe to bunches of real time exchanges - well rain on your
parade. try doing an option chain or two and your met with limitation
violations out the wahzoo. it's just ridiculous that this limitation
extends to just quotes let alone data delivered. it's really enough to
make me lament over my discontinuing of quote.com which give me
everything i was paying for.

*a potentially good if not the only mid range data feed company left
which seems to be torn between becoming a ts replacement or a ts data
feed provider. i think much of this fence sitting comes from a lack of
reality that we ts users are not going anywhere which entails writing
even more convoluted code that we already have in yet another "trial
and error" pseudo language.  leads me to ask the question what ever
happened to doing a singular job excellently?


so todays question is - what if any data feeds are there that are
internet only "yes i give up on satellite forever" based and deliver
what i pay for? meaning i get all my options, futures etc. that the
exchange i subscribe to delivers to the data vendor i am paying?

i wonder what the exchanges position is on doing business with data
vendors which do not deliver to the full extent the data which is
being purchased from the exchange.  ok well scratch that i know the
exchanges could care less than the data vendor probably.

there must be a internet data vendor which delivers and is ts
compatible, dtn iq need not apply like wise any other feed which
hasn't thoroughly accomplished the symbol translation accurately
unlike anything that uses dynastore type products.  i am sick and
tired or converting symbols from data feed vendors into ts.  ideas?

i need quotes and lots of them.

Thank You,
Mark Brown