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RE: Fast Fourier "Transform": NO!

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Date:  Fri, 25 Jul 2003 03:16:33 +0200
From: "Pierre Orphelin" <sirtrade@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Fast Fourier "Transform": NO!


You might want to believe you are a pioneer but here
are the facts:

(1) Hutson, Jack[1983] "Using Fourier" TASC Vol 2
(2) Warren, Anthony[1983] "Fourier Analysis! In a
Nutshell"  TASC Vol2 Nov/Dec

These articles gave the FFT code in Basic plus how to
use the FFT in trading stocks.

1.Burg, J. P., ‘Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis”,
Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
May 1975.
2.Warren, Anthony W., “Introduction To Maximum Entropy
Method”, Stocks & Commodities,  Volume 2:
January/February 1984
3.Warren, Anthony W., “Optimizing The Maximum Entropy
Method”, Stocks & Commodities,  Volume 2: March/April
4.Warren, Anthony W., Hudson, Jack K., “Maximum
Entropy Optimization”, Stocks & Commodities,  Volume
2: July/August 1984
5.Hudson, Jack K., Warren, Anthony W., “Forecasting
With Maximum Entropy ”,Stocks & Commodities,  Volume
2: December 1984
6.Ehlers, John F., “How To Use Maximum Entropy”,
Stocks & Commodities,  Volume 5: November, 1987

These articles showed how to use MESA and provided
Basic code.

All these articles were available for free 10 years
before you claimed you are the "pioneer".

Next time, perhaps, you can do a little research
before you pound your chest.  Researching what has
been done in the past is the hallmark of competent
researchers and the current scientific method.

Claiming you have your unpublished pioneer work in a
box in your attic is pathetic.  No wonder why they
call technical analysis "voodoo" science. 

As another omega-list subscriber said in a email
message to me.

"Pierre is just listening to his countryman:

	Originality is nothing but judicious imitation. 
- Voltaire"

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Mike Symth [mailto:mqsymth@xxxxxxxxx]
Envoye : vendredi 25 juillet 2003 01:49
A : omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Objet : RE: Fast Fourier "Transform": NO!


Before you knock yourself down patting yourself on
your back, Meyers published the End Point Fast Fourier
Transform in Apr/May 1999 in TASC.

And I providd the trial code in 1997 on my web site, I
And maybe someone has done the same before us, but I
do not know.

Where is your publication?  Anyone can claim they did
so&so at such&such date without proof.  Next you'll be
telling us you developed MESA before Burg's (the
inventor of MESA) Ph.D thesis.
The explanation and the trial FFT version were
available from the web 
site since
If you come to France and want to verify, I still have
in an attic the 
machine where it has been developped as well as the
original version of 
the web
site on the same HD.
I can show you the collection of messages exchanged at
this time with 
Lembo who coded the FFT DLL. I can even show you the C
code and all the
compilation dates.
I can even show you some paid invoices of people
having bought this DLL 
at this
time and other messages from people asking questions
about it. And the
corresponding amount on my account. You may even  want
to expertize the 
and the laser ink used for printing these documents
and verify that 
they are as
old as  1997.

BTW Pierre, we can all find Meyers' writeup on his web
site and in TASC.  Where exactly is your writeup of
the End Point Fast Fourier Transform?
I said it was published on my web site in 1997 and
provided as a free 
Can you read ?

I suggest that you have "pioneered" after somebody
else has already done it!
I suggest that you are attempting to treat me as a
liar without any 
proof of it.