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Re: day trading strategies

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Dhiraj Kothari wrote:
>i develop trading sys using TS2000i, as yet developing position 
>trading systems. i plan to develop something for daytrading, but 
>really dont know where to begin with. can some one throw in some 
>ideas on system developed on gaps, oscillators, volatility 
>just one request, pls do not suggest buying some books or 
>software, i would humbly mention that i cannot afford buying much, 
>coz dont really have much income generation as yet.

If you can't afford to buy a book, you can't afford to trade.

You will unlikley generate any income trading, if you start out

If you can't buy a book, search for "daytrading books" on the
internet and then try to find some at your local library.

Look for free daytrading systems and play with them.  Oddball is one
example; you can find it all over the place.  Your biggest problem
will be finding the data to conduct simulations.

By the way, you may not be able to reply directly to me; your ISP
rediffmail.com is currently blocked for persistent spamming, I

  ,|___    Alex Matulich -- alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 // +__>   Director of Research and Development
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