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Re: Excelfutures

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

This is how to deal with spammers in general.  First, TRACERT from a command

C:\>tracert excelfutures.com
Tracing route to excelfutures.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
  1   <10 ms   <10 ms   <10 ms
  2    63 ms    46 ms    47 ms
  3    47 ms    47 ms    47 ms
  4    47 ms    62 ms    47 ms
  5    47 ms    62 ms    47 ms
  6    47 ms    62 ms    47 ms  axr00asm-1-3-0.bellsouth.net []
  7    47 ms    62 ms    47 ms  pxr00asm-0-0-0.bellsouth.net []
  8    46 ms    47 ms    47 ms  so-2-0-0.GW13.ATL5.ALTER.NET
  9    79 ms    46 ms    63 ms  0.so-4-3-0.XL1.ATL5.ALTER.NET
 10    63 ms    47 ms    62 ms  0.so-7-0-0.XL3.ATL5.ALTER.NET
 11    62 ms    47 ms    63 ms  193.ATM6-0.BR1.ATL5.ALTER.NET
 12    78 ms    63 ms    46 ms
 13    63 ms    47 ms    62 ms  agr4-loopback.Atlanta.cw.net
 14    47 ms    47 ms    62 ms  dcr2-so-1-3-0.Atlanta.cw.net
 15   109 ms   110 ms   109 ms  dcr2-loopback.Anaheim.cw.net
 16   110 ms   109 ms   109 ms  agr2-so-6-0-0.Anaheim.cw.net
 17   281 ms   204 ms   218 ms  aar6-loopback.Anaheim.cw.net []
 18   110 ms   125 ms   125 ms  us-data-authority.Anaheim.cw.net
 19   125 ms   109 ms   125 ms  66-113-92-116.rev.ibsinc.com []
 20   125 ms   110 ms   125 ms  66-113-92-180.rev.ibsinc.com []
 21   110 ms   125 ms   109 ms  66-113-94-232.rev.ibsinc.com []
Trace complete.

"ibsinc.com" is the last readable address before the spammers address.  Pull
out your web browser and go to www.ibsinc.com.  Bingo!  It's a web hoster.
Now forward the spam to abuse@xxxxxxxxxx and tell them you have tried
repeatedly to stop receiving mail from them.  If enough people complain,
ibsinc will terminate their account.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Waugh" <ianwaugh@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <ianwaugh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 6:24 PM
Subject: Excelfutures

Is anyone else being plagued by spam from this company?

They supposedly come from mwagg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx which doesn't seem to
be a legit address and the email contact addresses given on their web
site - info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - doesn't work and you can't unsubscribe!

How on earth can this company think it's going to attract business. Are
there really that many dumbos in the world!

Anyone know how to stop this spam? MailWasher lets them all through!
