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Re[4]: PushPOP now for download

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On Thursday, November 15, 2001, 1:55:13 PM, cwest@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

cjn> www.traders2traders.com isn't configured to "hurt" anyone's
cjn> browser and/or PC.

Agreed - I was not suggesting that it did.

cjn> The site assumes that one's browser or the way
cjn> it's configured works or complies with reasonable convention.

I'm not so sure. Of the many hundreds of sites I visit, there are only
a small number that give me problems. There is only ONE other site I
have found that requires as much special security configuration as

cjn> Given the many emails we've exchanged, I'm surprised you wrote
cjn> what you did.

Don't get me wrong. I was not 'panning' the site in any way - it's a
good idea, and I too appreciate your efforts. I was just trying to
suggest that there may be another kind of problem that people might
have if they have some security/privacy in place.

We have had a good discussion on this and I think I understand your

cjn> In your case, as you use Opera, all that's
cjn> necessary is to switch to emulate IE when you visit the site and
cjn> everything will work. At least it did for me and one other Opera
cjn> user I've encountered.

If you recall our discussion, many of the problems center on the
security/privacy issues, not the browser, but, yes, your site does
work better overall (especially the 'tiny text' problem) :-) with IE

cjn> As for "your" privacy protection issue, it's an unrealistic myth.

You might try posting this idea on the alt.privacy newsgroup and see
what kind of response you get. :-)

cjn> Sure you can hide many "things," but if you're browsing the
cjn> Internet, you can be reverse-burgled.

Currently, it's about an even battle, but with the new 'features'
coming from M$, it WILL be extremely hard to have ANY privacy on the
net. M$ wants to know everything about everybody. <cynic > That might
have something to do with the justice dept giving them only a gentle
slap on the wrist. They could make a secret offer the feds couldn't
resist. :-) </cynic >

cjn> I'm sure there are a number of papers in cyberspace that''
cjn> explain how. But who wants to bother?

Those of use who still value some privacy - but I do understand your
view on this.
