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RE: edgy situation -- controling energy sources

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>>...and finally, no matter how you look at it 
it's the war of religions. it is basically radical Islam
 against Judaism and Christianity...<<


I believe the underlying tension is even 
more fundamental.

The key concept here is ENERGY. You can't
expend it if you don't have it and currently
the major source of energy is OIL.  It's not
Christianity versus Islam.  Rather it's
western nations fearing a huge Islamic bloc
controlling much of the world's oil.

Up to now, the western policy has been to 
keep those nation dis-unified, so they can
be related to on a case-by-case basis. Muslims
are looking for a unifying leader and the
west, by their foreign policies, amplified this 
need and unintentionally gave them one: U.B.L.

Fighting the resulting terrorism has no short 
term solution.  UBL, if killed, will simply
be replaced by another because the underlying
tension is still there.

I see only a long term solution. Let Islamic
countries band together and develop an economic 
bloc.  Why not? Right now there are European, 
Southeast Asian, and North American blocs. Soon 
there will be a Chinese bloc with billions of 
people. So why not a Mideastern bloc?  

OIL.  That's why.

All countries would do well to significantly 
reduce dependence on oil. It should be our 
national battle cry. Unfortunately for America, 
alternative technology receives little federal 
support. And that, in my opinion, is our real 
long term problem.

- Mark Jurik

From: 	Bilo Selhi
Sent: 	Saturday, September 15, 2001 3:12 PM
To: 	Omega List
Subject: 	edgy situation

apparently this sounds like a serious 
matter and most likely we will have 
prolonged "war", you might call it WW two and half.

it will be impossible to eradicate jihad 
that's for sure... so it will go on for a long 
time, decades most likely.
the NATO coalition might have to contain the threats
with preemptive strikes but the point is that 
this is a never ending ball game...
this will be like Israel PLO conflict.

the most likely scenario is that jihad will try to 
inflict as much small damage on US/Nato as possible.
it looks like all they want is some loving and attention.
it is very likely that the nuclear weapons will be 
used in the future although years from now,
by jihad against either US or 
Nato countries or Israel...
it's just a matter of time, i think.

one small nuke can destabilize the whole world 
and put in financial ruin... 
just imaging instead of TWC destroyed they 
would set off a nuke in NY city limits.
a small 50KT nuke would obliterated a good part 
of the city... NY will have to be evacuated and 
that will be the end of the economy as we know it...
i can't even imagine what would happen with 
US and world economy in that case. it will be 
a depression for a decade or so.
this is the most serious threat, the rest we can deal 

i think NYSE and NAZ have to be relocated in 
a secure military like location along with other 
key NY financial institutions...outside of city limits...
DC has to be closed of and secured for sure because if they 
do it there it will be even worse...
this bring up the argument of fully electronic markets...
that's what should be done asap.

we have to invest big buck into technology because 
this is the traditional way of dealing with problems 
like that in the west. more cameras and bugs 
instead of dialogs and hugs.

us businesses have to adapt to new security measures 
but that i think will boost the spending a bit short term.
military will have to spend more money so overall 
it should help the economy...

we should doulbe the CIA, NSA, FBI budget 
give them all the money they need to know 
where every gram of plut. and uran. is at any second.

depending on the final makeup of the coalition 
governments, if Saudis, Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan
stay on our side the oil price should stabilize.
but any neutral position of any of those countries 
will immediately destabilize the oil market...

i think it would be a big mistake if US Nato 
formally declares war on Jihad. let them 
fight the war... we should be at piece and 
trying to contain them...

and finally, no matter how you look at it 
it's the war of religions.
it is basically radical Islam against Judaism 
and Christianity... ( Judaism and Crusaders 
in the word of Usama Bin Laden )
absolutely nothing new, happened many times 
in the history of mankind... in fact the state of 
the world in the past was different. some centuries 
Islam was dominating, other time Christianity, etc...
it comes and goes in cycles... as soon as one religion
starts dominating, the other one starts to resist...
basic human evolution... my tribe vs your tribe...

remember the very basic concept of coexistence:
never ever impose on other persons belief systems
( religion )... if he prays to the tree let him do it 
if he prays to some god let him do it, unless 
he is asking you to do the same and threatening 
to kill you...

two solutions are possible:
- eradicate all religions ( not likely and takes time )
- come up with a unified religion and sell it 
  to the masses ( one god for all ) that's what  
  we are trying to do now...
  it is however a hard sell and will take time...
for now it's a pissing contest one who's god 
is can piss farther.

and remember, at different times is history we 
had different gods... and even now we 
probably have at least 10 big ones.
betcha they are excited now in front of 
their tv sets..

ps. come monday, we will not go short out of 
sympathy and will be closing out the short 
positions if the market starts to go south.
volatility should pick up and the main thing 
to do is not to panic...as panic is what they 
are praying for that we would do...
panic is what can ruin our economy and as 
long as we don't we'll be ok.
the market will have to factor everything in 
and we might see further correction.
look to buy:
- economy staples, essentials, food, etc..
- oils ( depends, might come down )
- military 
- security techs
- gold 
- treasuries 
- truck transports
- communications 
- internets advertisers
- medicals
- tv networks 
look to sell:
- the buck ( don't short )
- insurance
- retailers
- non essential techs
- software
- internet merchants
- airlines 
- autos 
- banking 
- financials
- bios 

expect the fed to step in with a 
1/4 point boost at any time.
expect active fed.

don't short, it's danger time and 
it not patriotic.