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Bin laden has said himself that it is our alliance with Israel. We don't
know for sure that it was Bin Laden.

Jim Bronke
Phoenix, AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "P A" <petawas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: THE ANSWER

: it's the oil (money/power) stupid!
: ok, and religion.
: "What is the cause of bin Laden's anger at the United States?
:       In his case -- and in each of these countries, I think the roots are
: slightly different -- but in his case, I think it traces back to his
: of America for what he considered our defiling sacred Saudi soil by
: our troops to defend his country, paradoxically. This was a wealthy man of
: privilege, well educated, but who really believed that Muslims could
: themselves and should defend themselves. And when his king had to
: the Arab and the Muslim peoples by asking infidels to come to their holy
: land, their holy soil and fight for them, he was humiliated....."
: source:
: Were we defending Kuwait and Saudi Arabia because we were nice guys?
: we agree with their ethics? Or because we wanted their oil? Where does bin
: laden's money come from? It's western oil money paid to his dad through
: Saudi's. Sadam's money? Oil. Would we be involved in this conflict if not
: for the oil, based only on our ethics? I doubt it. Would they have the
: to attack us if we had not given it to them for oil? NO!
: George Washington said:
: "in regards to foreign nations...to have with them as little political
: connection as possible."
: Source: http://www.virginia.edu/gwpapers/farewell/transcript.html
: I'm not saying it's our fault, nor that the terrorists shouldn't be hunted
: down and killed (they should!), but that we should at least be aware of
: roots of these problems and the mistakes we have made.
: Pedro