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RE: God Bless America

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lumping iran with the others as drhurd does is not entirely "correct". as
far as i'm aware the news we've been getting out of iran these last couple
of years is good for the west. their leadership is slowly moderating through
the natural process of more moderate people being elected and appointed to
government posts. which is exactly how liberal western democracies should
like it to happen. our newspapers occasionally have articles on how life in
iran is changing dramatically...especially for women. this is inspiring - 20
years ago that the first wave of islamic militanism grew in this state.

pity some of the western supported regimes in the middle east are not
liberal democracies just because it would be inconvenient for us if the
leadership in those countries were elected and free. tie that in with the US
"apparent" unquestioning support of israel...and if you were a young
politically informed arab in one of these countries you would feel resentful
and frustrated...get enough frustrated and resentful people who believe in a
god and an afterlife and suicide attacks will happen -  whatever we do...

kill the terrorists? religious fanatics just love a martyr, inspire boys and
young men to follow in their footsteps - just ask a generation of irish
catholics what the name Bobby Sands means to them...

if we can't even wipe out the drugs trade in our own countries how are we
going to wipe out terrorism whose source is not consumer demand but every
bit as powerful as any american's belief in his own country, its ideals and
its way of life. do you think any military action of any kind could totally
kill off patriotism in your country?

i just hope that nato takes a measured approach for all our sakes.

condolences to all,


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Berger [mailto:mberger@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: 13 September 2001 16:20
To: OmegaList
Subject: Re: God Bless America

For a strong, slightly different way to deal with terrorism
see http://www.drhurd.com/news_23.html

Excerpt ...

The governments of Iran and Afghanistan -- Syria and Iraq --
and any other government who assists or so much as turns the
other way when we seek help in locating terrorists within
their borders -- must be completely taken over by us, or
destroyed. You read that correctly: destroyed. If our
government leaders fail to act with the strongest level of
force against these governments-- a level of force which
massively surpasses what has been done to our cities -- then
they are morally worse than our enemies. We can give them a
choice, if you like: step down, let us install a Western
controlled government, within 24 hours (as philosopher Dr.
Leonard Peikoff has suggested). If you refuse or so much as
blink, face utter and total destruction.

.... and:

This is not a time for turning the other cheek. It is not
only stupid, but evil, to let these terrorist organizations
and terrorist-enabling governments destroy us. The United
States is the first and last beacon of freedom and
individual rights in the world. We must fight for over very
personal lives, selfishly and proudly. In so doing, we will
save freedom not only for ourselves but for the rest of the
world. I
