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RE: Re[2]: To all americans

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I agree. Not for revenge but as a matter of strategy. The Clinton/Allbright
"lets give the world a great big hug" crowd had their chance. The WTC is
what we got in return. If we don't start dealing with these people on their
own terms then the next pile of rubble we have to clean up is liable to be

Some guy on the radio said that the remains of the terrorists, if they can
be found, should be buried with pigs so that in the future any would-be
kamikazes would realize that not only are they not going to be welcomed into
heaven but instead will have to spend eternity buried next to a pig.  He
seemed to think it would discourage these would-be martyrs.

They need to make this guy a diplomat.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross S Bond [mailto:ross.bond@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 6:26 PM
To: Mike Higgs
Cc: Ed Kiers; bogeybunky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; cash@xxxxxxxxxxx; omega List
Subject: Re[2]: To all americans

Hello Mike,

Any response is going to have to be brutal and thorough. It is not
enough to kill the terrorists, we must kill all who associate with
them: their families (parents, children brothers, sisters), their
political associates, their complete world must be destroyed.

Only by this kind of extreme retaliation will the message get through
to the morons that seek to impose their will on others by terrorism:
to even consider such action will result in complete annihilation.

There is no bleeding heart solution to this one, sorry.

Best regards,
Ross                       mail to: ross.bond@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, September 13, 2001, 5:21:27 AM, you wrote:


MH> And therein lies the problem: children grow into adults.  The things
MH> learn as children are magnified when they are adults.
MH> To kill all the terrorists tomorrow what not solve the problem.  More
MH> grow up.  The solution is pretty simple:  destroy the children as well
MH> deal with the problem where children grow up to be terrorists.  When I l
MH> at Israel and the Palestinians, I am neither pro nor anti but rather I
MH> deeply saddened that they cannot find a way out of their agonising
MH> Until the world finds a solution to this impasse, we are doomed to
MH> the experiences of Munich in 72 and WTC in 01.

MH> Regards & condolences to us all,
MH> Mike