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The message of hope

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I finally found the original message by James Lillard regarding ts plan
to add third-party (ASCII) data support to ts pro.
For those who missed this message it's posted below.
Thanks James Lillard!
        BILL Cruz gives us answers #1 of several.
        Fri, 22 Jun 2001 01:54:34 -0400
        "James Lillard" <lillard.main@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Wow - I have today, met with Bill Cruz, and he spend over 30 min. giving
answers to every question that was e-mailed to me over the last 3 days.
printed out every e-mail and he read and answered them all.  He was very

candid and I will write up all the questions and Bill Cruz's answers
from my
many notes.  But it will not happen tonight.  I am just too busy to do
all at once.  So expect several postings from me over the next few days.

But, here is a little information that should please us all.  The
that is going live on June 27, 2001 is still just a beginning release.
While it will have direct order entry and the ability to handle futures,
is in no way the final product.  A great many additional features will
added to upcoming major releases over the next many months.

A few of the additional features that are to be added to futures
1.  Many additional months of backward historical tick data.
2.  The ability to correct bad ticks and change the data originally
3.  The ability to ADD you own ASCII data and symbols.
4.  The addition of Radar Screen's features.
5.  The addition of Option Station's features.

Bill Cruz did not give me a specific month that Service Pack 6 will be
released for the 2000i series, but after a little prodding, he promised
that it would be out this year, probably in the late fall.

The company was very quick to state that they have made a major change
the direction that they are going.  The old Omega Research was a
technology company.  The new TradeStation Group is a financial services
company.  In order to succeed in this new direction, many things will
to change.  Especially the companies attitude towards their customers
the quality of their products, and the company understands what they
must do
to be successful.

Please, we all will have to wait and see what happens over the next
of years.  But the constant bashing of the company will not help.

Carefully check out TradeStation Pro with each new major release.  At
present time I know that I cannot use the upcoming version of
Pro, but many others can.  Within the next several releases,
Pro should have enough high quality features that I will be using it for
of my real time trading.

Please save this posting.  More to follow.
James Lillard