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Re: BEWARE: Pierre thinks it is a frog trap ( but it is a DMI bug)

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I often wonder how it feels to be Pierre on this list? 

Did you know that a school of Amazon pirhanna can strip a
full-grown bull clean of all it's flesh and muscle meat in
less than two minutes? Pierre, you must certainly have the
cajones of el torro to wade into this river (:-o)

PS. I'm not Pierre, but if someone on this list started
referring to me as a "Kraut" and my postings as
"Sauerkraut" I might feel a bit tweaked. Pierre, just
curious, what is one of the many derogative European terms
for "American?"

Thomas "I Don't Polka" Alexander

Robert  wrote: 

Pierre's business rely on TradeStation. He is basically a
TradeStationbusiness partner. He is never going to admit TS
has any problems because itis against the interests of his
business. If Pierre was an average TS usershe would not
defend TS the way he does.Robert Holt.----- Original
Message -----From: "Bengtsson, Mats" To: ; Sent: Friday,
August 03, 2001 9:48 AMSubject: RE: BEWARE: Pierre thinks
it is a frog trap ( but it is a DMI bug)> Pierre, once
again you are endangering to fool your fellow participants
in> this list. That is sad, we know you are trying to be
worthy of Omega, but> give them a call, I bet they will
tell you it is allowed to give thiscause> up in this
case.>> I also see you got your marketing material in front
of you. You delivereda> nice long theoretical description
of how it was supposed to be. But youare> confused, we
should be talking about how it is right now, maybe it will
be> like your marketing material in "TS Enterprise sp14",
who knows? Anyway,you> are throwing out so many theories.
You have sent a number of "this is howit> is" and then you
have been wrong all the time, which always results in new>
theories without any connection to reality (no
miscalculation in DMI,better> than 7 digits precision, 7
digits precision, 6 digits precision,> mibgreaterequal
being the reson, data problems being the reason, reuse of>
variables being the reason, translation from integers being
thereason,...).> You keep on sending out new versions of
how it is, without bothering totest> anything. Instead
insert the data you got from me yesterday (or the ones a>
week earlier, or the ones a week earlier...) into two
consecutive dates in> any symbol, run the testfunction, run
the original plusdm function, seefor> yourself, test your
own balderdash before delivering them as truths..>>
Remember, there is still an original DMI function in
Tradestation, not> written by me. That DMI function still
produces the error for this kind of> data, no matter what
theory you want to give to people. Omegas code says"if>
minusdm>=plusdm ..." I did not write their code, if it does
not use their> longs it is their fault not mine. I do not
run Tradestation with one> handcoded version of DMI for
every date in every symbol like your theroy> seems to build
on. Skip theory since you can not get theory to behave as>
Tradestation, we all (except you) know Tradestation does
not behave likethe> marketing material. Do not give
marketing info, test things instead.>> Besides, changing
omegas code to "if (low[1]-low[0]>=high[0]-high[1]) ...">
still gives the same incorrect result, so probably the easy
language> compiler has not read all your mails. When I come
to think of it, thatmust> mean you just submitted a new bug
report, according to you it should work.> Remember to send
that one in to Omega. :-)>> Please try to realise: I do not
device frog traps, I just printed twodates,> which is data
from the real world. They are causing a bug to
becomeapparent> in the real world DMI function delivered in
Tradestation. Nothing is> constructed from my side (which
differs from your funny code parts> "2*h+l+o-o-h+h[1]").
Test reality instead of theory, use the data in a>
symbol.>> The trap is your own head, people walk into a lot
of things when they> persist in walking around with their
eyes closed.> > >> > > value1=6.800-6.750;> > >
value2=6.600-6.550;> > > if value2>=value1 then> > > print
("value2>value1")> > > else> > > print ("Pierre is
struggling to not admit the bug in the Omega DMI>
function");>> > -----Original Message-----> > From:
pierre.orphelin [mailto:pierre.orphelin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]> >
Sent: den 3 augusti 2001 02:07> > To:
omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx> > Subject: BEWARE: that DMI is
correct> >> >> >> > A little bit more technical explanation
to explain what> > confused Mats when devising the latest
TS frog trap:> >> > TradeStation treats prices as signed
LONG (32 bits> > precision), but in fact LPLONG pointer, a
Pricescale (> > probably a WORD or INT),and an offset (INT,
16 bits signed> > integer) from currentbar. This should be
familiar to TS DLL> > developers.> >> > When TS performs
such calculus value1=h+l+h[1], it only use> > LONG before
doing anything that will put the result into a> > FLOAT (
variable), uses the offset for H[1] that is still a> >
pointer to a LONG, then is Pricescale adjusted. This is
why> > the 32 bit precision is kept when you perform raw
data price> > basic + - * operation. The FLOAT issue
precision should only> > occur when the result has been
stored into a variable or an> > array element.> >> > When
writing> > value1=6.800-6.750; the value1 precision is the
FLOAT> > precision already discussed. Here you can see the
7th digit> > error ' 5.000001 for example> >> >> > IT will
NOT give the same results than:> > value1= h-h[1] althought
h=6.800 and h[1]= 6.750 in the> > database. There you will
read : 5.000000> >> > This means that the price preciion
for calculus done in a row> > is not an issue util you
override the unsigned LONG> > precision, until the result
is written into a float variable.> > The precision issue
occurs once you REUSE the variable, what> > is not the case
for the DMIplus part of the code.> >> >>>> This message
contains information that may be privileged or
confidentialand is the property of the Cap Gemini Ernst &
Young Group. It is intendedonly for the person to whom it
is addressed. If you are not the intendedrecipient, you are
not authorized to read, print, retain, copy,
disseminate,distribute, or use this message or any part
thereof. If you receive thismessage in error, please notify
the sender immediately and delete all copiesof this message.>>