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Re: Bruce Gagnard Trading System - Got a question for everyone

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It depends on what "you" consider successful. Some traders are content with
a 30%-40% win ratio taking very small losses (tight stops). Other traders
want higher win ratios 65%-70% but are willing to suffer through some very
deep draw downs. It's whatever your style of trading dictates (back to that
trading plan).

If someone develops a "very successful" trading system, why would they want
to sell it? You stand to make more money from trading it and you don't have
to support it, explain it, and deal with the people who will try to reverse
engineer it and then turn around and sell it. It's pretty common knowledge
that many who can't make their money trading, usually end up selling
services, systems, indicators etc. Show me a years worth of brokerage
statements as proof, and let me spend a week watching you real time before I

As far as sarcasm, rudeness and superiority? Welcome to everyday life unless
you live in Utopia. In case no one ever told you, life is not all peaches
and cream. If your feelings get bruised here in this group, just wait until
I take your money trading; you'll be devastated.


> William
> "anyone who has spent untold hours of designing, developing, writing and
> creating a successful trading system"
> So are you saying that successful system can be developed? If someone has
> developed such a successful system and having enjoyed the fruits is
> to share it albeit for a payment, what's the problem? To me it equates
> running a seminar or a course by these so called professional traders at
> inflated rates.
> My point is no one has a right to slam anyone.
> As a silent reader I have detected  sarcasm, rudeness and superiority in
> more experienced traders.
> As for help I put a call out on Friday for FTSE futures data, only David
> Jennings responded, he was unable to help because he doesn't have the same
> system. Between 26k-36k contracts are traded each day, isn't there any one
> out there who could help???
> Robin
> >From: "W. Parks" <parks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: "Robin Willaims" <robinwilliams15@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >CC: "OMEGA-LIST" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> >Subject: Re: Bruce Gagnard Trading System - Got a question for everyone
> >Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 06:10:12 -0700
> >
> > >Up to now I have been a slient reader, I am newbie to TS but not to
> > >investing. Soon after I joined this list I was approached in respect of
> > >trading systems costing $$$.
> > >I entered into correspondence, not because I was looking for an easy
> >to
> > >make money, or become a millioniare over night, I wanted to find out
> > >was available out there. I am not naive,I know there is no such thing
> > >"holy grail". Easy Language is not so easy and TS is
> >a beast. Those of you who are more experienced what support do you offer
> > >newbies?????????????????????????other than rip them apart. No one has a
> > >right to slam anyone.
> >
> > >Now let us have some positive comments and do something constructive,
> >like
> > >some of you posting your successful trading systems ( I am interested
> > >futures) here and generating a discussion as to why the success, what
> >makes
> > >it tick etc.
> > >We "newbies" need support and guidance and I for one ask for it!!
> >
> >Robin,
> >
> >I don't think anyone here has problems with new people, but I fail to
> >understand why anyone who has spent untold hours of designing,
> >writing and creating a successful trading system is expected to post it
> >this list just because "Easy Language is not so easy"?
> >
> >I've got a better idea. Why don't you read some books about trading,
> >EL, write your own successful trading system (this should keep you busy
> >a few months, maybe years) and then you post it to this list for all to
> >use.
> >I'm sure you would be very generous in giving it away after having
> >all the above.
> >
> >What this list offers to "newbies" is support and guidance in TS issues
> >EL. If you've been a silent reader for awhile, you see the kind of
> >questions/problems that are asked and addressed.
> >
> >Just by your comments, I have to ask, why did you purchase TS in the
> >place? I would think it was the ability to program your own trading
> >So what are those ideas? What's wrong with the systems provided in TS? Do
> >you understand how they work? What didn't you like about them (other than
> >they're not profitable). Learn to re-write it, make it better, use the
> >ideas
> >from the examples to make it work for you, develop your own style of
> >trading
> >not mine.
> >
> >Ask specific questions, we'll do our best to answer them, but don't
> >us to share the fruits of our labor with you. Besides, what works for me
> >will not work for you because you are not me. Nobody hands out successful
> >trading systems on a silver platter and nobody ever will. Even if some
> >generous benefactor did, you would still probably loose your shirt
> >you would not trade it like the author intended it to be traded. Human
> >nature.
> >
> >You want a constructive comment; here's my final thought:
> >
> >One problem I find with the so called newbie is he doesn't realize that
> >many of us trading is our business. Not a hobby, or a favorite pastime,
> >our livelihood. Many of us are the CEO's of our own one person company.
> >Like
> >any successful business we have a business plan, only its called our
> >trading
> >plan. Without one, you have no direction or idea of what it is you want
> >accomplish or how you plan to do it. I don't know of a single business
> >will share the inner secrets of it's success however I will tell you that
> >the basic premise of my business plan is to take your money. Plain and
> >simple truth. How I go about doing that is right there in my trading plan
> >right down to the last detail. If your trading plan is to follow in
> >else's footsteps, then yes, franchises are available. But beware, most of
> >the purchased trading systems out there are not a successful McDonalds.
> >
> >William
> >