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Bruce Gagnard Trading System Update

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Hello List,

A couple days ago I posted a question whether anyone knew Bruce Gagnard and
had anyone traded his system. Well I got a lot of comments about purchasing
a trading system from someone not well known. All the way from I want to
take a look to your a fool for even considering such a gamble.

Well I have done a fair amount of research on Bruce and his trading
technique and I want to tell you that I am very impressed with what I found.
So much so that I ordered his system today.

I did not make this decision just on his or anyone else's say so. I spoke
with Bruce on Wednesday and he agreed to email me for two days, today and
tomorrow, his entry and exit points as they occurred. So starting this
morning as he took a trade he sent me the time and the price of the entry or
exit. I received each email within 1 to 2 minutes of him sending it. I was
able to verify the price with the price at my computer.

Bruce made 8 trades, 7 winners and 1 loser.

With his system you go in on a limit order and exit when you have a 3 point
gain. You exit if you have a 3 point loss or you get a reversal signal.

As I mentioned he had 7 winners for a total of 21.25 e-mini S&P points and 1
loser for 0.50, on a reversal.

If I were you I might have a hard time believing it but I sit here all day
and watched it happen. Now he admitted today was a very good day but it
wasn't that unusual to see this kind of day 1 or 2 times a week.

Between speaking with a couple of his current students and today's action I
was convinced.

Like today, Bruce has agreed to send me his trades signals as the occur
tomorrow ,so, we'll see a different kind of day I suspect. As for the first
part of the week, which I can't verify but believe, Monday:7.25,
Tuesday:7.75, Wednesday:14, Today:21.25 (can verify) points. I will post his
results tomorrow as well.

I want to be perfectly clear. I have NO affiliation with Bruce Gagnard other
than as a person interested in his trading method. I have no stake in his
system and don't care whether you believe me or him.

I found Bruce to be an exceptionally nice person and more than willing to
give what he can to help a trader using his technique be as successful as
possible. This really come across from his current students.

If you are interested you can contact Bruce at: s_p_trainer@xxxxxxxxxxxx
