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Fw: Virus Alert from F-Secure. This one looks ugly.

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----- Original Message -----
From: <Peter2150@xxxxxxx>
To: <Peter2150@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 11:12 AM
Subject: Virus Alert from F-Secure. This one looks ugly.

This press release comes from F-Secure. For more
information on F-Secure's mailing list policy,
see end of message.

Press release

For immediate release

F-Secure warns of Sircam worm

Helsinki-Finland, July 24, 2001 - F-Secure Corporation (HEX:FSC) is
alerting computer users worldwide about a new, rapidly spreading
worm called Sircam. Sircam is a mass mailing e-mail worm with the
to spread through Windows Network shares. F-Secure anti-virus detects
disinfects the worm.

The worm was found in the wild on July 17 in the USA. After that the
has been spreading globally. In addition of USA, infections have been
reported in Asia, South America, India and Europe. Northern Europe and
Scandinavia have been spared the worst hits because of the holiday
in these countries.

When a Sircam-infected e-mail attachment is opened it shows the
document it
picked up from the sender's machine. The file is displayed with the
appropiate program according to its extension (.DOC, .XLS, .ZIP). This
effectively disguises the worm's activity. While the user is checking
document, the system gets infected.

The worm collects e-mail addresses from the user's Windows Address
Book and
then sends itself out with one of the document files it found in the
'My Documents' folder. The message the system sends may be either in
English or in Spanish.

"This is the first e-mail worm that is not Windows Outlook-specific,"
Mikko Hypponen, Manager of Anti-Virus Research at F-Secure. "Instead,
worm makes use of any e-mail system. This makes it much more liable to

The worm has two payloads. On October 16 it may delete everything from
drive where Windows is installed. Or, on any other day it may fill up
drive where Windows resides. It may also use Windows network shares to

The technical description and screenshots of the Sircam worm are
online at:

About F-Secure Corporation

F-Secure Corporation is a leading provider of centrally managed
for today's mobile, wireless enterprise. The company offers a full
range of
award-winning, integrated anti-virus, file encryption, distributed
and VPN solutions for workstations, servers, gateways and mobile
F-Secure products are uniquely suited for delivery of Security as a
Serviceā„¢ which provides invisible, reliable, always-on, and up-to-date
security for the most widely distributed user base. Whether provided
corporate IT or delivered by service providers, F-Secure solutions
policy-based security and instant alerts to all devices where
is created, stored or accessed. Founded in 1988, F-Secure Corporation
listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange [HEX: FSC]. The company is
headquartered in Helsinki, Finland with North American headquarters in
Jose, California, as well as offices worldwide.

For more information, please contact:

Mikko Hypponen, Manager, Anti-Virus Research
F-Secure Corporation
Pl 24
FIN-00181 Helsinki
Tel +358 9 2520 5513
Fax +358 9 2520 5014
Mobile: +358 400 648 180
E-mail: Mikko.Hypponen@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Mailing list policy

You have previously expressed interest in our products, or have asked
to be included on one of our press release lists by personally giving
your e-mail address for this purpose. Our mailing list are for the
exclusive use and the expressed purpose of F-Secure and are not
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  Marita Nasman-Repo     tel:    +358 9 2520 5613
  Deputy Communicator    fax :   +358 9 2520 5018
                         mobile: +358 40 517 4613

  F-Secure Corporation   http://www.F-Secure.com