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Re: Cruz Brothers and 2000i

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I for one, hope this information is true if this new program will not be an
internet fed only program. While the internet is a great medium, it is far
from being an ends to all means. Dial-ups are too slow, T1's too costly, and
cable modems and DSL have their drawbacks. Those of us in more rural areas
don't have the luxury of reliable internet services and need alternatives
like satellite feeds and not the $80 per month internet via satellite kind
of schemes.

I can certainly wait since I have waited this long just for an upgrade to
2000i. As many people who like TS, I believe there are equally as many who
do not like TS but see it as the only game in town. Nothing would please me
more than to see a strong TS competitor. Hopefully this new game will have a
strong financial backing for promotion, and advertising, as well as a great
piece of software. If they do, then the world will beat a path to their door
and we can kiss the arrogant Cruz brothers goodbye.


> TradeStation Technologies (formerly Omega Research)
> is more interested in motivating customers into
> leasing TradeStation Pro than in buying 2000i.
> It's actually good business for them, since, in the
> long run, they will get more $$$ from the renewable
> income.
> What they do not know is that in about October, there
> will be a new product from a heretofore undercover firm
> that will be many times more powerful than TS Pro and will
> SELL for a fraction of the price.  I can't say much
> more at this point, except this product is being developed
> by 15 world-class programmers with about 30 man-years of
> labor already into it.  They have also examined TradeLab and
> claim theirs is better.  'nuff said.
> So, if you are using TS4 and don't like leasing software,
> you may want to wait a few more months.
> - mark jurik
> PS -- please don't ask me for more details. I promised to
> disclose only what they permitted.
> ----------
> From: Zmktwzrd@xxxxxxx
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 10:24 AM
> To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Cruz Brothers and 2000i
> I think Omega has made a terrible marketing mistake with 2000i. I am a
> systems vendor who sells systems in ELS code only. As some of you know
> is a more secure data type and it is not read by TS4. However, the vast
> majority of TS4 owners have not upgraded to 2000i (or they still use
> supercharts).
> I think the reason for this is that the 2000i upgrade is GROSSLY
> overpriced!!!!! People dont want to bother with it. When is the marketing
> management dept. going to realize that 90% of $100 is better than 5% of
> $700!!!!
> Cmon guys!!! Motivate people to upgrade! Get the upgrade price WAY down so
> people will want to do it. I am going to be forced to move off of your
> platform and to a stand alone environment because of this. Many other
> I have spoken to are saying the same thing........I hope your
> listening........
> Thoughts?