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Re: FTP refresh probs

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This is incorrect - I just got into their site with no problem whatsoever.
EVERY  FTP site asks for a user ID and password but there is a standard for
public sites - "anonymous" for user ID, and guest@xxxxxxx for password.  If
you've changed computers or had some kind of FTP client problem causing loss
of the cookie which contained the ID & password, then a login attemp will
query you for them.


> Hello  Robert,
> he is correct they have locked out access to their ftp site -trading
> recommendation sell short immediately a popular tech stock. ;-)
> also if you need office equipment and you live in Florida you may
> wanna head to the auction yard soon.
> RM> Does anyone know what the current trick is to getting
> RM> access to omega's FTP refresh data site?  It now asks
> RM> for username and password.
> RM> Thanks in advance.
> RM> -RNM
> --
> Have a Great Day, Mark
> http://www.markbrown.com