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Re: The Ideal DATA Server Features Wish List

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well said,
but from my own experience.
i have collected gigabytes of various market data thru the years
and i can tell you that you start spending a considerable chuck
of your time just maitaining the server.... every frigging day,
it's a start, stop, check your data, check for gaps, download patch,
patch not availble, verify data, clean data, change datafeed, datafeed slow,
server goes down...i need historical data that's not available and so on and
so on....
it's a hairy nightmare... and i again i am saying this:
i would rather pay for clean, fast and reliable historical and real time
data on demand
with fast api,THAN  have to manage my own data...
how complicated is this???
otherwise you end up spending more than 50% of your time managing data and
coding support applications instead of what you should be doing is trading
working on your system....
i and many more have been down that road... why go there again...
if you can eliminate the data problem then you  got 50% done already...

also see notes below.

----- Original Message -----
From: "William R Wood" <wrwood@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Omega List" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>; " Kent Rollins"
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: The Ideal DATA Server Features Wish List

> I think BS is referring to centrally stored and managed data on demand
> is not implicit in a data server.  He prefers the TsPro model where the
> is collected cleaned etc on the vendors server farm and then users plug in
> and have access to real time quote delivery plus history on any symbol
> without having previously collected the data locally.  Thus, it is not
> necessary to store data locally on your own hard drive since you can "see"
> any data you want on the vendor's server.

that's right. this is the current standard.

> Personally I like Kent's model better.  Now that we have cheap huge hard
> drives I vastly prefer to store data on my own hard drive and I insist on
> having that choice.  I want fast, clean, reliable data too just like
> everybody else.  But I want my data server to permit me to filter what I
> want and store what I want on my hard drive.  Having access to history on
> demand is a great idea as long as I can download it onto my hard drive and
> pass it thru the filters I establish.  BS makes a point that traders
> shouldn't have to manage data.  But once you set your filters up you dont
> have to do anything except let the system collect and store the quotes.
> you have a quality data feed there should rarely/never be any work
> except maybe downloading gaps caused by ISP outages etc.  I am more than
> willing to do this occasional work myself to avoid being trapped by a
> proprietary data on demand model.
> If you use a pure data on demand setup like TsPro you are stuck with the
> data they give you and you have no control over how well they do the job.
> have no basis to trust Omega to do a good job on an ongoing basis.  Plus
> poor quality finally drives you away to a different vendor you have no
> on your harddrive since under the data on demand model you only get to
> at the vendors data not actually have it.

that's why on demand data has to be fast and clean, with good coverage and
with historical data. there are many data on demand vendors including
but none of them can match the needed specs...
something is usually missing... either there is good coverage but data is
or data is clean but not enough historical, or historical but not on demand
or all there but slow and clunky...
the hope is that people at TRAD
will here the voice and act on that....

 >I anticipate that there are other
> problems with data on demand such as server outages on weekends just when
> you happen to want access to certain data.

why ? ok so the server goes down for a few hours on sunday...
download your data that you need for research on satturday and you got
your data for sunday...
they should also have a backup server and they usually do.

Having the data on your local
> hard drive eliminates these issues.  Moreover under the TsPro model your
> software and data are completely proprietary and you cant just switch data
> vendors.  You must completely walk away from your investment in TsPro.

why? who cares about the vendor that they use... it's their problem...
that's the beauty of it. they deal with that side so that you don't have to.

> That is the reason I will never use it unless they change the model, make
> Ts2k and Ts4 compatible with thier data feed and continue to develop Ts2k.
> More than anything we need competition and choice in data vendors since
> nothing else will force them to improve quality.

and what to you think? datafeed vendors care about the data quality and
compete over it???
i am greatly thankful to TRAD for giving me stock data on demand that
is pretty clean for $99 a month even when they only have about 1 year worth
of historical.
once then offer futures and maybe forex, bid ask data for equities and
electronic futures and api they should be set...
if i could pay say $300 a month for:
data on demand,
api ( optional )
good coverage
it would be the same as paying for regular " you store it" datafeed...
with the benefit of not having to store it and maintain it.

> No one has mentioned Up/Dn ticks and volume.  I would like a data server
> store U/D ticks and vol on a minute and daily basis.  I also want the
> ability to control the logic by which the tick by tick allocations to Up
> Dn are made.  Omega's Ts4 and Ts2k data servers store U/D vol and ticks
> the logic has changed in Ts2k and causes occasional errors and there is no
> way to access the daily values which are stored in GS.  More importantly I
> would like the ability to modify the U/D allocation method so that more
> accurate results might be achieved.

i agree it is important.

> Regards
> Bill Wood