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Re: Re[2]: Problem with TS Pro

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-just use hidden machine glued dlls for your most precious "holy grail"
 that's a must.
-password lock and date protect everything.
- lock your machine.
- run some horrible system on same machine but don't trade it.
- there is almost always a workaround.
- and finally, shut up and say "there is no holly grail" and  "i am
   not making any money".

it is a well known fact in brokerage industry that some smart
brokers will fade signals of successful clients behind client's back.
only small amount of smart ass brokers do that though, the rest
really don't give ...

it is a well known fact in futures and forex ( especially ) industry
that many bucket shop brokers will take the opposite side of
lousy traders without even executing orders on their part,
making pretty good doe doing that.

it is a well known fact that 99% of all trading software out there
has already been pirated.

it is a well known fact that the majority of trading system and ideas
have been stolen, restolen and resold over and over and over...

it is a well known fact that majority of big money making ideas have
been stolen one way or another. example Steve Jobs stealing
Xerox windows idea, Bill Gates stealing it from Steve Jobs.

it is a well known fact that industrial and espionage in general
is rampant in the world.

and on a final note...
it is a well known fact that the world is in deep moral shit today
and needs a major reset.

i don't think though that TRAD would steal systems from
your machine. people of that caliber already know what works
and what's not and don't need our petty system stuff.

ps. not to brag but...
i just launched an 80 stock portfolio on my PRO. ( who else has done that,
contact me to compare notes ).
most of my portfolio components pull out about 10-30 points
per stock per 30 days... or about 20-150% points relative to stock
combined point pull out is in the vicinity of 1000 points per portfolio
per 30 days per 80 stocks.
that's more than 10% a month return which is  a good standard to go by.
and is working...
you know what that means... 100 shares traded flat, that's
100K per 30 days and 1000 shares traded that's
1M per 30 days.
call it whatever holy grail or ...
and only wait till futures are available, it will be double that and if
available it will be a  triple

and i only have about 3 wishes for Tradestation Pro right now:
- fix the annoying ATCC problem ( pegging the cpu )
- design decent simple portfolio tracking tool so that i can see
my cumulative p&l and combined portfolio equity curve
( allow auto entry/exit price fills into that tool so i don't have
to manual enter those prices everytime an order is generated )
- allow printing orders in real time to a printer and a file
so that if i miss the alert i can take a look at the hard order printout.

the rest i don't care about. and i think  a lot of people are really
missing the boat with not getting the Pro version if trading stocks.
there is no way that i could have accomplished that on 4.0
or 2000i or any other platform because of  too simple facts:
- no data on demand ( stock selection ).
- dirty data.
i'd be spending half of my time cleaning data and maintaining
the server.

----- Original Message -----
From: ztrader <ztrader@xxxxxxxxx>
To: omega-list <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 5:11 PM
Subject: Re[2]: Problem with TS Pro

> On Wednesday, March 07, 2001, 12:19:37 PM, Klinchik, Vitali wrote:
> KV> Your EL code is stored on your local machine. All number crunching
> KV> is also done on your machine. The only thing that you get from
> KV> Omega's servers is  data, which is cached on your drice in
> KV> "DRIVE:\TradeStation\Cache" directory.
> True, but that is not the direction that is of concern. :-) It would
> be quite trivial to have the program send YOUR information along with
> data requests and other handshaking needed by the system. It's what
> goes TO Omega that is of concern.
> Since much of the data is already 'encrypted' and can be sent in
> packets, it would be develishly difficult to detect it. Omega is
> notoriously closed about their data formats, and is unlikely to
> change.
> To make it easier, Omega could only send the studies that you actually
> *use*, presuming those to be the 'good' ones. This is really a very
> small amount of data and would be very easy to send back without your
> knowledge.
> One way to think about TSP is as a trojan that you *paid money* to
> install on your computer. A hackers dream. :-)
> ztrader