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In a message dated 2/16/01 8:07:15 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
sptrader@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

<< Remember Mark B. said that the Oddball "as is" suffers from large DD (see
 Sept S&P contract) and few would be able to trade it without modifications.
 It's a good example of a simple "engine" for a trading system. I show it
 making great money this and last contract, but slammed in Sept.

 Steve >>

I've run it (Oddball) against my own "obstacle course".  The original version 
(with sell zone modified to -2%) run over 5 (including the current open 
contract) s&p futures contracts showed the Sept contract to be the worst - 
but it still finished with a 34 point profit (with a 0.5 point/trade 
'headwind" included).  The other 4 contracts were all well north of 100 
points with the current (March) contract sitting right now at +355 points, 
after its big hit this morning.  I show the total P/L (S&P points with the 
0.5 headwind included) for the 5 contracts at +940 points.  Personally, I was 
very surprised as I did the back calculations and have watched more recent 
trades unfold before me in real time.

The first question I had for myself when I saw all this was "If this is what 
he gives away free, I wonder what he's got under lock and key?" <G>  And for 
those of you who wish to bash this little Oddball, remember what you paid for 
it - both in $$ and in your time.  <G>

Lee Scharpen