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Trading in the Zone: The Five Fundamental Truths of Trading

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Dear Group,

Recently, there has been some discussion about Mark Douglas' new book,
"Trading in the Zone", sometimes in reference to his prior book, "The
Disciplined Trader."  Soon after it was released, I read "The
Disciplined Trader" avidly, and a while later attended a weekend seminar

with Mark in LA, which I also found helpful.  When Traders' Press began
taking pre-publication orders for "Trading in the Zone," I subscribed.
I received my copy several weeks ago and read it avidly too.  I
recommend it to any trader who believes that trading has a psychological


After reading it, I copied from it what Mark calls The Five Fundamental
Truths of Trading, which I keep at my trading desk and re-read
practically daily.  In the effort to give you a taste of the contents of

"Trading in the Zone" as well as to generate discussion on the book in
particular and the psychological dimension of trading in general, I have
posted for your review Mark's The Five Fundamental Truths of Trading at
my FTP site (in Word format)
http://members.bainbridge.net/~olfogey/Douglas.doc   I posted this same
note to the omega-list earlier today and attached The Five Fundamental
Truths to it.  Apparently our newsgroup does not allow attachments, as I
don't believe my prior post was accepted and forwarded.

For the past ten years, I have also been a student of Zen, particularly
in the Soto tradition.  Soto Zen was brought to the West largely through

the efforts of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, who created one of the first Zendos

in the States, the San Francisco Zen Center (and later, its extensions
the Zen Mountain Center at Tassajara and the Green Gulch Farm).  He gave

periodic talks there, and just before his death in 1971, his students
collated some of his talks and published them in the form of a little
book, "Zen Mind --- Beginner's Mind."  That book continues to sell year
after year, and so far has sold over a million copies; it has been
included among the 100 best spiritual books ever published.  I have also

included a portion of "Zen Mind --- Beginner's Mind", as for me, the
portions quoted from the two books address similar themes.

Peace be with you and in your trading.


