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RE: Need help on Win2000 instal

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After many hours of trying, I was not able to install
W2K and WinME on the same hard drive.  Here is the
sequence of events:

1. I used the new Partition Magic 6 to create another
primary partition for OS installation because an
operating system must be installed in a primary drive.
But this turned out to be a mistake since only one
primary partition was allowed on one hard drive.  So I
just resized C: drive so that there was room on the
hard drive for Win2000 - 3.5 gig for WinME and 6.5 gig
free space.
2.  Win2K installation gave me an option to partition
the drive by pressing "C".  I thought Win2K would
partition the free space for me.  Good. But nothing
happened when I pressed "C".
3.  So I was forced to install Win2K in a folder under
C:\. Done - I thought.
4.  Now C:\ was smaller - a mistake from resizing.  So
I returned the free space to C:\
5.  Now Win2K was running under C:\ from the WINNT
6.  However, the screen only gave me 800x600
resolution.  I decided Win2K must need a new video
driver. Installation of video drivers in the dirvers
folder made WinME unbootable.
7. Went to C:\windows\Options\CABS and did Setup.exe
to restore Win ME.
8.  Re-installed Win2k and this time installed the
video driver in a different utility folder.  Video
worked fine.
7.  Tried to access internet from Win2K, but the
InternetExplorer didn't work. (or the IE icon tried to
access WinME's IE.)
8. Gave up and went back to WinME, now WinME will not
boot - blank screen just like before.
9.  Went to C:\windows\Options\CABS and did Setup.exe
again to restore Win ME.
10.  Deleted Win2K folder.
11.  Gave up.

Is it worth it?

--- Eric & Patty Weeth <weeth@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Personally, I would forego the dual boot setup. So
> far, 
> I haven't found anything that doesn't run on Win2k.
> I've
> even intalled a few games and they perform without
> problems. However, I'd give up all the games for a 
> machine that is stable with my trading software and
> MS office programs.
> Installed Win2k on 3 machines at my home. Several
> weeks
> apart so that I could ease into it and ensure myself
> that
> I would be happy with the new OS.
> Had trouble convincing the setup program to delete a
> partition and do a fresh install on one of the
> machines.
> Finally, allowed it to do an upgrade which led to a
> dual
> boot situation where it would boot to Win98 or
> Win2k. Did
> not tolerate that for long. Used a boot floppy with
> fdisk
> on it to delete partition myself and then set Bios
> to boot
> from CDrom and install Win2k. Worked like magic. (Of
> course I backed up data files to a network drive
> before
> deleting the partition.)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Piranhas R Us [mailto:piranhasrus@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 4:40 PM
> To: Omega
> Subject: Need help on Win2000 instal
> I am in the process of installing Win2000 on a Win
> ME
> laptop. The setup procedure told me create a
> partition
> for Win2000 if I want to keep Win ME and have a dual
> boot system.  My question is:  Do I install TS2000
> in
> the same partition where Win2000 is in? In other
> words, can I install TS2000 in C:\program files to
> avoid a large partition for Win2000?
> Thank you for your help
> =====
> Julian


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